Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1757 The operation was successful (1)

The old turtle did not disappoint Caiwei. Although his movements were very slow, he was more precise and skillful. It took him a full day to finally complete the operation for Liu Xi.

During this day, Caiwei had been on tenterhooks, fearing that the operation would fail and Nangong Yi discovering Liu Xi's existence. Because Liu Xi was hidden in Lao Wugui's alchemy room, she could observe the healing status of his wounds and whether there was any rejection reaction in his body at any time. And Nangong Yi had no idea that there was someone hiding in the space, and he even took the children to play in the space, leisurely. If he found out, she wouldn't be able to tell even if she was full of words.

The next day, while Nangong Yi was going to court, Caiwei ran to the alchemy room to visit Liu Xi after the operation was successful.

"Master Turtle, how is he?"

The old turtle said unhurriedly: "I have given him the best trauma medicine, and also given him a blood-restoring pill. I think he will be fine. After another three to five days of rest, he should be able to get up." "

Hearing this, Caiwei breathed a sigh of relief and said repeatedly: "Okay, okay, it finally succeeded. Oh, by the way, since he is fine, should I send him back to be recuperated?"

"It works, but you have to apply and take the medicine on time, otherwise the wound will become inflamed!" said the old turtle, and slowly went to get Liu Xi's food and apply the medicine on it.

Caiwei took the medicine prepared by Old Wu Gui for Liu Xi and wrote down the dosage and usage of the medicine in detail on paper. After recording, she put on casual clothes and left the palace, heading to Bishui Villa.

She must send Liu Xi out of the palace as soon as possible. Liu Xi's current identity is no longer a eunuch. If Nangong Yi discovers his identity, she won't be able to explain it clearly even with a hundred words. He has long suspected Caiwei. Why was she so good to Liu Xi? Caiwei didn't dare to tell him that the two had known each other in the previous life, lest he doubt the relationship between her and Liu Xi in the previous life, or be wary of Liu Xi, which would affect the relationship between them. Therefore, she only Although Nangong Yi reluctantly believed that she liked Liu Xi's intelligence and excitement, he was still secretly unhappy because she favored Liu Xi too much. It was just because she loved Caiwei so much that she couldn't do anything to Liu Xi, so she had to turn a blind eye. Close one eye!

If he knew that Liu Xi's penis was taken by her and she was no longer a eunuch, he would be surprised if he didn't think twice!

In a flash, Caiwei has not left the palace for more than a month. The last time she came out was the time when she told Juhua's fortune. It has been more than a month now. I wonder how Juhua is doing now. Has Mo Zili continued to pester her? However, given Mo Zili's paranoid temperament, he probably wouldn't give up.

Caiwei thought for a while and decided to ask Juhua out to find out how she was doing after seeing off Liu Xi.

When they arrived at Bishui Villa, the housekeeper of the Villa hurriedly came out and led Caiwei to sit down in the flower hall. This housekeeper used to be a young eunuch beside Liu Xi. He was promoted out of the palace by Liu Xi. Now he is a big housekeeper in Bishui Villa and his life is very comfortable.

When Huanqiu heard that Caiwei was coming, he came out to serve tea. After not seeing him for a long time, Huanqiu still looked expressionless as before. It was probably because all the dead soldiers had such faces, and you would never look at them from their faces. I can see their emotions.

"Xuanqiu, from today on, you should come back to serve me!"

Caiwei ordered in a low voice that if the person who called Qiu Nangong Yi continued to keep her with Liu Xi, if she discovered Liu Xi's identity, Nangong Yi would also discover it!

Therefore, in order to prevent this kind of thing from happening, she must let Liu Xi get better as soon as possible, then send him away, let him leave the capital far away, and start a new life in a place where no one knows him!

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