Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1761 The operation was successful (5)

Caiwei knew Nangong Yi's difficulties, so she thought for a while and said, "Yi, why don't we go to Lingbei? I'll collect the glass and hide from Mr. Li Guogong. Let's talk about what happened when we get back!"

Nangong Yi couldn't think of any good solution, so he had to agree: "Then let's leave tonight, otherwise he will come to me early tomorrow morning!"

The couple made plans, and that night, after nightfall, the family really went to Lingbei.

Little did they know that in the capital at this time, Shen Luming and his wife were frantically looking for their daughter!

According to Grandma Zhou who followed Juhua, at noon today, after the young lady separated from the Queen, she took her to go shopping on the street. After shopping for an afternoon, the young lady said she was thirsty, so she took her to a teahouse to drink. Tea, but as I drank it, I didn’t know anything else. When I woke up, it was already dark, and the lady was missing!

Grandma Zhou searched the entire teahouse like crazy, but the teahouse manager and the waiters said they didn't see the lady at all.Mammy Zhou was so frightened that she ran back home and reported the matter to the master and his wife.

Master Shen and Mrs. Cui only have one daughter, Juhua, who usually looks like an eyeball. Now when they heard that someone had taken her away, they felt as if their heart had been ripped out. The couple couldn't care less about their daughter's innocence. She was pregnant, so she ran to the teahouse like crazy to look for her, but she still found nothing. My daughter’s room was next to the window, and the window was open, facing a narrow alley. It must have been covered up, Taken from the window.

Seeing that they couldn't find anything in the teahouse, the couple rushed to Yingtian Mansion overnight, beating drums to express their grievances, and wanted to file a complaint!

At this time, Master Fu Yin of Yingtian Mansion had gone back to rest, and there was no one in the Yamen at all.

The couple had no way to complain, but they thought of the queen again, so they ordered the servants to drive the car and ran all the way to the palace. However, the palace was heavily guarded and was not a place that a small sixth-grade official could go. The couple begged the guards at the entrance of the palace for a long time, but the guards refused to let them go.

It was getting later and later, and the couple did not dare to stay too long. After discussing it, they went to Bishui Villa again.

In the past, Liu Xi, the owner of Bishui Villa, used to sell his down products in Beiqing County, and he had some friendship with Mr. Shen. Now Mr. Shen has no way to ask for help, so he has to rely on this little friendship. Liu Xina tried her luck.

At this moment, Liu Xi had woken up a long time ago and was sitting motionless against the head of the bed. He was completely shocked by the miracle that happened to him. He was dumbfounded as he watched his sudden growth. His body was in a daze, and he stared at it for an hour or two, still unable to believe his eyes.

It wasn't until he squeezed his thigh hard with his hands and felt the pain that he believed it was not a dream!


God, Bodhisattva, Lord Jesus!

How could such a thing happen!

It's incredible!

He stared at his baby in bewilderment, almost choking with excitement. Damn it, now he was finally no longer a eunuch and eunuch. He was finally back to being a man again. Now, he really wanted to rush out and give it to her. Let's see, everyone, let the whole world see, Liu Xi is a real man!

When the Shen couple arrived, Liu Xi had just finished taking the medicine and was carefully applying ointment to his baby.

I really don’t know how the Queen managed to get him a penis and sew it on. Moreover, the penis she found for him was very suitable for him. Regardless of the length, thickness and color, it was all of the highest quality. If it were in his world, this treasure alone would be enough to make him a superstar in porn movies!

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