Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1775 Severe Punishment of the Lewd Monk (1st Update) (2)

Nangong Yi has long been fascinated by her unparalleled beauty, how can he let her leave? Before she could reach the door, she was already hugging him.


Caiwei's heart tightened and she had a bad feeling.

Nangong Yi pulled her over and whispered, "How does the rouge I make taste?"

After saying that, he lowered his head and kissed her.

A long kiss made Caiwei dizzy. When she slowly regained her consciousness, her clothes had been stripped off unknowingly, "Hey, you..."

Before she could finish her words, what was supposed to happen had already happened...

An hour later, Caiwei was so tired that she was panting, dripping with sweat, and had no strength at all. Nangong Yi saw that she was about to faint, so he had to finish the matter hastily. Afterwards, he carried her to the hot spring and took a bath. Her strength had recovered somewhat, but she was still very tired, especially her waist, which seemed to have been broken and then put back together.

Seeing that she was so tired, the man took her back to the room with distress, placed her on the couch, and let her fall into a deep sleep.

After about two or three hours of sleep, I suddenly heard the cry of a parrot outside: "Master, people have entered those clean rooms, and people have also entered your clean room!"

Caiwei was awakened, and hurriedly released her long eyebrows, telling it with her mind: "First go and destroy the adulterous monks in my brother's clean room. Don't let them rape those innocent women, and then fill the temple with all the monks." Don’t let them go, we must destroy them all!”

At this moment, Nangong Yi was sitting next to her in his clothes, reading a copy of "Xinjia" left by Master Cihai. When he saw her suddenly waking up, he hurriedly asked: "What's wrong?"

Caiwei said: "It's just as we imagined. Those thieves raped those women, and someone also entered my clean room."

After hearing this, Nangong Yi's face changed color in vain and said: "Madam, send me out, just to your clean room!"

Caiwei was naked at the moment and couldn't go out, so she said: "It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter if you just beat or kill, don't make any noise, lest those innocent women suffer!"

Nangong Yi said, "Don't worry!" and then disappeared.

After sending the man out, Caiwei hurriedly got up and put on her clothes. While putting them on, she looked at the scene outside. However, it was already dark outside and there were no lights in the clean room. It was so dark that she couldn't see anything clearly.

After getting dressed, she was about to go out, but suddenly she heard the old turtle's voice in her ears: "Master, the little master is going to pay homage, please come and take a look!"

It turned out that Nangong Yi was afraid that the children would disturb Caiwei's rest, so he put the children to sleep in another bedroom. Since Changmei and Yingge were not there, he asked the old turtle to watch them in the children's room. Now Eryuer woke up and wanted to poop, but the old turtle was small and slow, so he couldn't help him, so he had to call someone.

After hearing this, Caiwei hurried to the children's room without caring about the outside.

Outside the space, Nangong Yi suddenly appeared in the clean room. In the darkness, he saw a naked figure rummaging around on the couch. After finding no one, the monk whispered: "Female donor, where are you hiding?" Come out? Come out quickly, I am the golden Arhat, and I am here to give you my son..."

After hearing this, Nangong Yi became furious and strode towards the figure.

The monk couldn't find Caiwei. He was confused and planned to go down to the ground to light the oil lamp to see where the little lady was hiding. Unexpectedly, before he got down to the ground, his neck was suddenly clamped. Before he could resist, he heard a crisp click and his neck had been broken!

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