Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1777 Severe Punishment of the Lewd Monk (1st update (4)

Xuan Ming opened his mouth and was about to speak when a naked person came out of another secret passage. The person's face was purple, his hands were covering his crotch, and he was shouting: "Oh, my mother." Ah, it hurts me so much..."

After saying that, he fell to the ground with a plop and passed out...

When the monks saw it, they hurriedly gathered around him. When they helped him up and took a look, they saw that his egg sac had swollen to the size of a bowl, and the veins on it could be seen, as if it was about to explode. "Is this our fault? Who did it?" the monks shouted. Xuan Ming trembled and said weakly: "I don't know, I was pinched as soon as I entered, and then... exploded..."

While they were talking, two more brothers came out tremblingly from the secret passage. Like the two before them, they both bent over and covered their crotches, with extreme pain on their faces!

At this time, the monks seemed to be in a panic and could not calm down. Someone said: "Quick, go and report to the abbot."

Someone else said: "Go and fuck him, find this murderous birdman and cut him into pieces!"

There was a commotion in the secret room. Some people ran to notify the abbot, others helped a few injured brothers back to recuperate, and some rushed out to fuck the guy, trying to find the perpetrator and cut him into pieces.

From time to time, monks whose balls were crushed came out of the secret passage in pain, and nine of them came out one after another. Only the three monks who entered Caiwei's clean room could never come out!

In the space, Caiwei finished handling Yu'er's daddy, washed her hands, and put him to sleep before leaving the space and went to the clean room to find Nangong Yi.

However, when she rushed to the clean room, Nangong Yi was no longer there. The floor of the clean room was open, and a faint light came from under the ground. In the dim light, she saw that the monk who had encouraged her to beg for an offspring had died naked. On the couch, the monk's neck was twisted unnaturally, and it looked like he died from a broken neck.

Caiwei doesn't feel any pity for this kind of person. She is in the pure land of Buddhism, but she only thinks about the prostitute. It is not a pity to die for such a beast, let alone provoke her!

She went down the secret passage and saw two more dead monks under the secret passage. They were also Nangong Yi's masterpiece.

Caiwei bypassed them and walked inside along the secret passage. As she walked, she used her mind to contact Changmei: "How are you doing over there?"

Changmei said: "Master, I have already killed all the monks in the clean room. Now I am rushing to the monk's house to kill other monks. The parrot is watching over me. Don't worry, none of them can escape!"

Caiwei said, "Did you go there in time? Has any woman been defiled by them?"

"No, Master, I was quick! Although those women were shocked, no one was defiled!"

Caiwei was relieved to hear that they had not been defiled. The concept of chastity of ancient women was different from that of modern women. Ancient women regarded chastity as more important than life. If they were defiled, they would probably commit suicide!

"Go and do your work, I'm going to find Nangong Yi!"

Caiwei closed her mind and walked to the end of the secret passage. She saw a larger secret room. Her man was sitting in the secret room. Several elderly monks were kneeling in front of him, tremblingly. The young monk was lying on the ground in a mess, with a painful expression. He didn't know whether he was injured by Nangong Yi or pinched by Changmei!

"Ms. sir, what's going on?"

Caiwei walked over, lowered her body, and wanted to sit on the stool next to Nangong Yi.

"Don't sit down, you're dirty!"

Nangong Yi caught her in time and pulled her to his knees to sit down. Those lewd monks were sitting on the stool just now. Nangong Yi felt sick just thinking about it, so he didn't want his wife to sit where they had sat. superior.

Several monks on the ground immediately showed surprised expressions when they saw Caiwei, but soon returned to their original trembling looks under Nangong Yi's gaze.

"Are these the principals in the temple?"

"Exactly, the old man in front is Dajue, the abbot of the temple."

Nangong Yi pointed to the old monk kneeling at the front and explained to Caiwei.

After hearing this, Caiwei angrily said to Dajue: "Since you cut off your hair and cover your hair to practice Taoism, you should recite Buddha's name, observe fasting, read sutras, meditate, and meditate. How could you do something that is not allowed by heaven and humiliate an innocent woman?" Aren't you afraid of retribution for messing up the blood of the heirs of human beings?"

Dajue said solemnly: "What the female donor taught me is that the young monk knows it and will never dare to do it again from now on. I beg the female donor for the sake of Bodhisattva to let this donor spare us. The young monk is willing to give two hundred taels of snowflakes." , add makeup to the female donor!"

Dajue saw that Caiwei and Nangong Yi were both wearing ordinary clothes, and there were no decorations on their bodies. He thought they were a pair of chivalrous people who traveled the world with little money, so he paid two hundred taels of silver and wanted to use the money. Come and buy your own life.

Caiwei sneered and said: "You have sinned so much that two hundred taels of silver can forgive you? Even if I kill you a thousand times, the evil you have done cannot be undone. I should have killed you today to eliminate harm to the people. However, in the hope that God will have a good life, I will spare your lives first and only give you a light punishment. If you dare to fool the people and confuse the public in the future, your names will be taken as a warning to others. !"

The monks didn't know what Caiwei meant by "applying a light punishment", and they thought it was a light punishment because Nangong Yi just hit them. So they all kowtowed and said, "Thank you so much for your mercy, the female benefactor. We must remember the lesson and never dare to do evil again!"

As he spoke, the parrot's voice came again: "Master, I found the abbot's private treasury. There are a lot of gold, silver, jewelry, silks and satins in it!"

After hearing this, Caiwei laughed and said, "Let's go look for Jieku again. The money in this temple is all ill-gotten wealth and cannot be left to them for their use. Why don't we take it and keep it for the poor people in the support hall?" !"

After hearing this, the parrot opened his clairvoyant eyes and quickly found the temple's warehouse. When he saw those golden and yellow things, he cried out: "Master, there are more gold and silver treasures in the warehouse. There are several gold and silver treasures in the warehouse." Where’s the box!"

"Okay, you go look for any other good things. I'll go over and collect them in a moment!"

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