Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1788 Chao Gui is injured (1)

The crazy royal horse carried Chaogui on its back and rushed forward like an arrow, instantly leaving the surrounding scenery behind. Xiaoman and Dong'er screamed and tried hard to catch up behind them, but they couldn't catch up. !

As the horse disappeared from their sight, the two girls chased it, crying for help...

He Lanhao shot the deer to death and ordered someone to pick it up. Just as he was about to put away his bow and look elsewhere, he suddenly saw a maroon horse galloping towards him like crazy. , there was a goose-yellow figure clinging tightly to the horse's back. The horse's speed and crazy look made him immediately think of the horse and startled him!

Subconsciously, he wanted to rush over and subdue the crazy horse, but his sharp brain made him think of another question. Their meeting at the hunting ground today already made him suspicious. At this moment, her horse was frightened again, Fortunately, she happened to come to him by chance. It was such a coincidence. If he guessed correctly, this play was most likely directed and performed by her as a trick to seduce him. Otherwise, it would have been impossible. What a coincidence!

Thinking of this, he suddenly felt a sense of disgust in his heart, and the little ripples he had towards her disappeared in an instant. This unscrupulous woman even put her own life on the line in order to win favor, and now he will teach her to reap the consequences. See The speed of this crazy horse would definitely kill her or cripple her!

The guard also saw the horse rushing over and shouted: "Your Majesty, it seems that the queen's horse has been frightened. Do you want me to go and rescue it?"

He Lanhao sneered and said: "If you can't even control a crazy horse, how can you be worthy of being my queen?"

When the guards heard this, they all understood what His Majesty meant. Although everyone felt sorry, since His Majesty had spoken, no one dared to move. They had no choice but to let the crazy horse rush in front of them and pass by them in an instant. Rushed over.

The horse was extremely fast, as fast as lightning. However, although it disappeared from their side in just an instant, everyone saw that there was an arrow clearly stuck on the horse's hip. Look at the arrow feathers. The color should have been shot by Hannah.

It turns out that it was Hannah who shot the queen's horse, which frightened the queen's horse and led her here!

"Damn it!"

He Lanhao knew that he had misunderstood her, so he hurriedly clamped his legs and chased after her. While whipping the horse, he shouted: "Hurry up and save the queen!"

After hearing this, the soldiers hurriedly chased after him, but they secretly complained in their hearts that they had refused to save people when they had such a good chance to save people. Now all the horses ran past, and they remembered to let them save people. They were all riding ordinary military horses, so how could they catch up to the queen's crazy royal horse?

However, complaints are complaints, and everyone only dared to complain in their hearts, and then hurriedly mounted their horses to save people!

He Lanhao's horse was better than that of the guards. He rode his horse and ran far ahead, chasing Chao Gui's horse hard. However, Chao Gui's horse was faster than his. He could see it before his eyes. He rushed out of the woods like lightning, crossed the stream, crossed the meadow, and ran into the mountains.

"Hold the reins tightly, stick to the horse's back, and don't move -"

He yelled, and he didn't know if the people on the horse could hear him. At this moment, she was already teetering and was about to be knocked off by the horse.

No, we can't let her fall, and we can't let the horse run into the mountains. Otherwise, let alone whether she will be thrown off by the horse and fall to death. Even the cliffs in the mountains, fierce beasts and poisonous snakes are enough to kill her.

At that moment, he drew up his bow without hesitation and shot at the crazy horse's hind legs.

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