Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1811 The chrysanthemum has faith (1)

At the fourth watch, Nangong Yi and Cai Wei returned to the palace. The white-haired tiger landed quietly in the imperial garden. The two entered the space, washed, cooked, and ate...

There were men's dragon robes, crowns, jade and other items in the space. After dinner, it was time for the man to go to court. Caiwei helped him dress up and sent him out of the space to go to court. She also brought the children out. , walked back to the imperial study room.

Xiaozhi and Chunliu had long been accustomed to their sudden disappearance and appearance. When they saw Caiwei coming back, they led her back to the palace and went to prepare breakfast for them.

Caiwei smiled and said, "We have already eaten. Don't be busy. Help me coax them for a while. I will go to sleep first."

After spending the night on the back of a tiger last night, she was already tired and sleepy now. Xiaozhi and Chunliu were people she trusted, so she handed the three buns to them and asked them to take the children to play. Alright, Cai couldn't wait to get into the space, lay down on his soft bed and fell asleep...

Nangong Yi went to court. After dealing with several backlogged government affairs in the past few days, he suddenly announced three things in the court hall. First: Starting from today, experienced workers will be selected to go to Beijing to sum up their experience and establish a special The police officer training institution is responsible for training the police officers in the Jin Kingdom. The police officers in various states, prefectures and counties must undergo special training and pass the assessment before they can take up the post. The police officer position will be promoted to a good status, and the salary and status are the same as those of the local yamen. Head; 2: Any man in the Jin Dynasty who abuses or beats his wife, once reported and exposed, will be punished with thirty to fifty canes, and eight hundred to three thousand li in prison, depending on the severity of the abuse of his wife. Forgive him lightly; third, strictly investigate the governor of Lin'an Prefecture, find out who promoted him to the governor of Lin'an Prefecture, and submit the list of ministers who are close to him.

After three decrees, no one else did anything. Only Prime Minister Ning could not stand, especially the first two decrees, but the last decree made him feel like he was facing a formidable enemy.

Zheng Wansheng, the governor of Lin'an Prefecture, was his student and was promoted by him. Although he had no achievements, he was the best at flattering people. How could such a person offend the emperor? It doesn't matter that he offended the emperor, but if the emperor finds out that Zheng Wansheng was promoted by him, wouldn't he be in catastrophe?

After going to court, he hurried back home. As soon as he entered the house, he sent people to invite the young lady to come over, and by the way, he dispersed all the servants in the house.

After Ning Huaixiu came over, Prime Minister Ning said anxiously: "Xiu'er, something bad has happened. The emperor has ordered a thorough investigation of Zheng Wansheng. My father thinks that the emperor's thorough investigation of Zheng Wansheng is a lie, and that he wants to deal with the people who enabled Zheng Wansheng." Woolen cloth!"

As the saying goes, "The culprit has a guilty conscience and will mess up his position." In fact, Nangong Yi did not know that Prime Minister Ning had colluded with Zheng Wansheng, and had no intention of targeting him. It was just that he had a guilty conscience.

Ning Huaixiu listened and pondered. In her previous life, Zheng Wansheng had a prosperous official career with the support of her father. When she died, she had become the Minister of the Ministry of Rites. However, in this life, many things have changed and become different from those in her previous life. It’s different, but it hasn’t completely changed. For example, that lightning strike happened at that moment in the previous life! Why is this so? Where do these variables lie? Who caused these changes?

After repeated thinking and deliberation, she finally thought about it.

In the previous life, there was no queen at all, but in this life, everyone and everything related to the queen who appeared out of thin air have undergone tremendous changes. The emperor is like this, she is like this, and so are Li Ruizhu and General Li...

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