Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1813 The chrysanthemum has faith (3)

Xiaozhi said: "I'm going back to you, it's nothing serious. I just heard that the future granddaughter-in-law of Duke Li Guo's Palace was kidnapped and her whereabouts are still unknown. Duke Li Guo's Palace and Uncle Wu Qing's Palace have almost turned the capital upside down." Yes, our master also helped to look for it, but he couldn’t find it..."

"The future granddaughter-in-law of Duke Li Guo?"

Caiwei was stunned. There were only three grandchildren in Duke Li's palace. Except for Mo Zijing and Mo Ziqi, who were already married, was Mo Zili the only one left?

"You mean, Mo Zili's future wife was kidnapped? Why didn't I hear about Mo Zili's engagement? Which family is she from?"

Xiaozhi said: "I don't know which family the young lady is from, but I vaguely heard that she is a young lady from a sixth-grade official family who was transferred to Beijing from the north last year. I'd better call the master or madam in to ask." I heard that the master and his wife have been helping to search for him!"

A sixth-grade official from the north. Who else could he be if he wasn't Juhua?

Caiwei subconsciously called out to the parrot. As long as the parrot came out, it would only take an instant to find the position of the chrysanthemum. However, after a long time, there was no movement at all. Only then did Caiwei remember that her monthly letter had arrived. I can no longer contact the space!

"Damn it, Huanqiu, go ahead and see if the court has dispersed? If so, please invite the general to see me!"

Mo Ziqi was from Duke Li's palace and should know more information than his parents, so Caiwei did not adopt Xiaozhi's advice and asked Huanqiu to go and question Mo Ziqi.

Juhua was one of her few best friends. If she was kidnapped, Caiwei would definitely take care of it. However, now that the space was unusable, it became much more difficult to find Juhua, so she could only act as if she were ordinary. As people do, they used the most ordinary methods to find it.

When Chunliu sent people to catch the frogs, Mo Ziqi also arrived. Caiwei asked Chunliu and Xiaozhi to take the children to Dongci Room to observe the frogs, and she talked to Mo Ziqi alone.

"General, what happened to Juhua? Who captured her? Are there really no clues at all?"

Mo Ziqi said: "Returning to your Majesty, since Miss Shen was captured, we have been trying our best to find her these days, but we don't know who captured her. She was hidden like an iron bucket and spent all the efforts of our Duke Li Guo and Uncle Wu Qing." The power of the government has not been found, but there is no clue. Logically speaking, the person who captured Miss Shen must have some purpose, whether it is for money or for something. It would be better to send a message to communicate. However, since she was beaten and arrested, there has been no news, as if nothing has been heard from her. I really don’t know what those people wanted to do after they arrested her."

"Where is Mo Zili? How is he? What is he doing recently?"

Somehow, Caiwei, like Mrs. Shen, suddenly thought of Mo Zili. Mo Zili loved Xiangyun so much that he completely mistook the chrysanthemum for Xiangyun and fell in love like crazy. Could it be him? After being rejected by Ju Hua, he got angry and kidnapped Ju Hua?

"Your Majesty, Zili is looking for Miss Shen with us every day. He leaves early and comes back late. He has not slept a wink for several days and nights because of Miss Shen..."

Mo Ziqi said it very tactfully. She did not directly say that Mo Zili was related to Miss Shen's disappearance, but that was what she meant.

After hearing this, Caiwei nodded and said, "He is not the best. If I find out who kidnapped Juhua, I will never let her go easily!"

At the moment, Caiwei mobilized many of Nangong Yi's secret guards to find the whereabouts of Juhua. Juhua had been taken away for several days and the best time to find it had been missed. However, as long as there was a glimmer of hope, Caiwei would not Let it go.

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