Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1817 Chrysanthemum is saved (3)

The situation was just as Changmei said, everything around him was normal, except that the horse was still going crazy, nothing unusual could be seen.

Seeing that the scheduled time was approaching, it would be too late if they didn't leave. Caiwei and Nangong Yi stood by the carriage and watched for a while. They saw that the two horses showed no signs of improvement at all. They didn't know when they would be able to carry people. In desperation, the two had no choice but to give up their plan to take the bus, walked to a place where the coachman could not see them, released the white-haired tiger, and rode the white-haired tiger towards Qixia Mountain.

The white-haired tiger was so fast, like lightning, that they could only hear the whistling wind in their ears, and they couldn't even open their eyes. In the blink of an eye, they were in the center of the mountain, for fear of being seen by the kidnappers. Riding a tiger would be detrimental to Chrysanthemum. When she reached the mountainside, she took the white-haired tiger in and walked up the mountain.

Along the way, in addition to the inscriptions everywhere, we also saw many strange phenomena. For example, a wild lynx emerged from nowhere, climbed to the top of the tree with its cub in its mouth, and screamed sharply; flocks of birds hovered in the air, chirping loudly, but refused to land. Go to the tree; the further up the mountain you go, the more strange phenomena you see. When you get to the top of the mountain, you actually see groups of rats running around. The big rats are holding small rats in their mouths. When they pass by, they also Not the least bit afraid...

The couple became solemn, there was a strange sign in the sky, and a monster must appear! What is the reason that makes animals so abnormal?

After walking for a while, Caiwei had a flash of inspiration. Suddenly, as if she was struck by lightning, she figured it all out. She shouted loudly: "Nangong Yi, has there ever been an earthquake in Kyoto before?"

Nangong Yi was startled and said, "You mean... there's going to be an earthquake?"

"That's right, I learned some common sense about earthquakes in my previous life. These abnormal signs now are all manifestations before the earthquake. Go back quickly and inform the people to stay away. Maybe an earthquake is coming soon. !"

However, it was already too late. As soon as she finished speaking, the ground beneath her feet began to tremble. There was a distant rumble inside the mountain. Soon, the entire ground was shaking violently.


Nangong Yi shouted, and immediately put Caiwei in his arms, supporting her with his tall body of flesh and blood.

As the earth trembled, many rocks were already rolling down from the top of the mountain.

Caiwei didn't have time to think too much, and she quickly entered the space with Nangong Yi.

"Are you okay?" Caiwei asked the man distressedly before she could stand still, fearing that he would be hurt.

"I'm fine, how about you?" The man said while looking Caiwei up and down, looking very nervous.

"I'm fine too, don't worry!"

At this moment, Caiwei was really anxious. She thought the earthquake would pass quickly, but she didn't expect it to last for such a long time. She looked outside and watched countless big trees in the forest collapse in an instant. Time is filled with smoke and dust, covering everything!

In the smoke and dust, huge boulders from the mountain rolled down like raindrops and hit the ground with a rumble. The whole earth was shaking. She couldn't even tell the direction. She only felt that the place in front of her seemed to be split apart. The animals in the forest fled one after another, and those who had no time to escape fell into the cracks in the ground. This experience was really terrifying.

Nangong Yi couldn't see outside and just hugged her tightly - his handsome face was extremely solemn.

He is not only her husband, but also the king of the Jin Dynasty. Now that such a serious incident has occurred, I don’t know how many people will be killed or injured as a result, and I don’t know how many people will be separated from their wives and families because of this!

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