Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1832 Liu Xi’s plan (1)

When Juhua saw that Li Sheng dared to shame her in front of her parents, she was so angry that she was afraid of getting angry in front of her parents, so she endured it without getting angry. When they returned to their new house, Juhua said angrily: "Li, it's only the second day after we got married, and you shamed me in front of my parents. What do you want?"

Li Sheng said calmly: "Madam, I just discussed the matter as it happened, and I didn't show shame to anyone. It's just you who are too worried."

Juhua said angrily: "What nonsense are you talking about? Your parents have been dead for more than ten years, so what does it matter if you leave a few days earlier and a few days later? My parents have put in so much effort to arrange marriages for us. You can't celebrate the New Year." You stay with them, but you insist on going back to worship your parents, and you also take me away. Aren't you hurting my parents' hearts? Tell me, what are your intentions? Do you think I married you? , I am yours, so I should listen to you in everything. Even my parents want to see your face? Don’t forget, I didn’t marry you, it was you who married into our family.  "

When Li Sheng heard this, his face changed in vain, and he said coldly: "I wonder if you have ever read "Women's Training" and "Women's Rules", and know that the husband is the guide for your wife? Has no one ever taught you how to be a good wife?" Mother?"

Juhua sneered and said, "I'm sorry, I haven't read "Nv's Training" and "Nv's Rules", but I have read the stories of "Mr. Dongguo and the Wolf" and "The Farmer and the Snake". The wolf and the snake repaid kindness with vengeance. The ending is really a relief of hatred and very satisfying!"

Li Sheng heard that Ju Hua was mocking him by using wolves and snakes, and was very angry. However, he just got married and it was difficult to get angry, so he said patiently: "It's fine if you don't want to go. I won't force you to do it. Just don't accuse Sang and scold Huai." It’s a woman’s virtue!”

When Juhua heard that her personal integrity was being questioned, she was so angry that she said unhesitatingly: "That's bullshit womanly virtues. Li, don't forget, you are a wife who married into our family. It's up to you to speak up for your virtue. If you want to show off your husband's prestige and have the ability to make money to support your family, don't eat from my family, don't spend my family's money, and don't live in my family's house!"

These words were so hurtful that Li Sheng turned pale with anger. He clenched his fists again and again under his sleeves. Finally, he said patiently: "Miss Shen, one day, I will let you see I have Li Jing’s ability!"


Juhua snorted disdainfully and said, "Then wait until the day you are able to show off your majesty as a man. I hope you don't rely on my family to make your fortune!"

These sharp words made Li so angry that he could hardly keep calm. He flicked his sleeves and left angrily. Before leaving, he bitterly uttered four words: "Unreasonable!"

"Bah, you have no shame!"

Juhua did her job and said loudly to the man's back through the window: "Before I got married, I pretended to be like a little sheep in front of my parents. I was obedient and honest. After I got married, I showed my true colors. You want to take control of our family." It’s in my hands, let’s have your big spring and autumn dreams..."

Xiaokui on the side poured a cup of tea, handed it to Juhua, and said: "Miss, my uncle has disappeared, so please stop arguing!"

"He can hear me even if I disappear!"

Juhua was so noisy that her voice became hoarse. She picked up the teacup on the table and drank it all in one gulp. She said angrily: "Xiaokui, I'm so angry. Why is he so selfish? My father promised him to wait until the New Year before going." I wanted to pay homage to his parents, but he actually disagreed and insisted on leaving now. He even calculated the date of departure. He thought he was about to starve to death when he was in trouble, so my parents took him home*** He ate him, gave him food to drink, treated him like his own son, and even opened a shop for him. He almost gave up his heart to him, but he actually repaid the favor and dared to give it to my father the day after we got married. Mom shows off her face, does he think that since he has married me, my parents can't do anything to him, and our family has to look at his face?"

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