Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1837 Liu Xi’s plan (6)

As he spoke, he had already walked outside Linshui Pavilion without looking back.

Chunliu came over, looked at Liu Xi's back, and said angrily: "My dear, you indulge Eunuch Liu too much. You have spoiled him so much that you didn't bow to you when I saw you, and you didn't kowtow when you left. Damn eunuch, do you really don’t know who you are anymore?"

Caiwei looked at Chunliu's angry little face and said with a smile: "When did you learn to be picky? It seems you have grown up and have more ideas. Oh, I remembered. You and Zhu'er are now You are not young anymore, so why not get married before the end of the year!"

When Chunliu heard this, her face turned red and she stamped her feet and said, "Madam, people are talking about Eunuch Liu, why are you dragging them into trouble? Who said you want to get married? Chunliu never wants to get married in this life. I will always serve my empress from afar for the rest of my life!"

Caiwei laughed and said, "That's a silly thing to say. How can a girl's family not get married? Not to mention you, I've already arranged everything for Xiaozhi and Huanqiu!"

Xiaozhi is already eighteen years old. In this world, she can be considered an older young man. Huanqiu is even older, already nineteen years old. Most people of the same age have children running around, but she is still an unmarried Yunying. Where is the body?

Although Caiwei has adapted to serving them, she is not the kind of selfish person who sacrifices the happiness of others for her own benefit, so she has already planned the future for them.

When Chunliu was first bought by her, Aunt Zhang had already chosen her as Zhu'er. Chunliu was also deeply in love with Zhu'er, so she didn't need to worry about Caiwei. All she needed was a dowry. Xiaozhi Caiwei plans to ration Mo Liancheng. Xiaozhi grew up in the Qin Palace since she was a child. She is loyal to Nangong Yi. She is also thoughtful and literate. She is really a rare good girl. Marrying Mo Liancheng Liancheng is a perfect match, and I believe Aunt Mo will also like it. Huanqiu will marry Zhuifeng, who is already twenty-six years old and still alone. Although Yinwei is not supposed to start a family, let alone have any ego. , but Caiwei felt that it would be too cruel and contrary to human nature to treat a subordinate who was loyal to her in this way. Therefore, she had already discussed with Nangong Yi that the hidden guards would arrive on the 25th. At the age of 18, you can start a family and start a business, or apply for retirement. You no longer have to follow your master all your life like before, and you have no self!

Zhui Feng is twenty-four years old this year, and it won’t be too late to propose marriage to him next year. Therefore, Caiwei plans to help these young people of the right age to arrange happy events before the year, so as to add to the joy...

In the Marquis of Jian'an's Mansion, Xiangyun and Mrs. Wu were sitting on the hot Kang, eating melon seeds and talking affectionately to each other. Wanyan Jingchen had been invited to the palace for a banquet by Nangong Yi. Xiangyun hadn't seen her mother for a long time and wanted to be more intimate with her, so she specifically told Caiwei that she would stay with her mother at home today and talk to Caiwei in the palace tomorrow.

In fact, Caiwei originally arranged for the couple to stay in the palace, but Xiangyun wanted to go back to her own home and live with her mother, so Caiwei agreed.

"Mom, I plan to go to Qixia Mountain later to pay my respects to Grandma Xie. Please ask someone to prepare some incense, candles, paper horses, etc. for me!"

Xiangyun's tone became serious when she mentioned Nanny Xie. The death of her wet nurse had always been something she was brooding over, and she was afraid she would never be able to let it go in her lifetime.

"Ouch, that won't work!"

When she heard that Xiangyun was going to Qixia Mountain, Mrs. Wu stopped even eating melon seeds and said seriously: "When the earth dragon turned over a few months ago, Qixia Mountain was collapsed by the earthquake, and the shape of the mountain also changed. Many The graves have all been shaken out or buried underground, so you can't find them at all. Besides, even if you can find them, it's freezing and snowy, and you are pregnant. What if you fall? Also, Qixia Mountain is a shady place. In a very heavy place, the mountains and plains are full of ghosts that were crushed to death by the earth dragon this time. What if it hits the child in your belly?"

When her mother said this, Xiangyun hesitated. She could not care about herself, but she could not care about the child in her belly. If the child was harmed due to her mistakes, she would never forgive herself in her life.

However, after finally coming back, she couldn't bear not to see Grandma Xie. She muttered in a low voice: "After finally coming back, I can't go to pay homage to her. When I come back next time, I still don't know." How long do we have to wait..."

"This is easy to handle. Just let Cui Wen and Cui Lu go there for you. Mom will ask people to prepare more incense candles and paper horses, and then ask people to do a water and land ceremony for Aunt Xie. Aunt Xie will love you forever and will definitely be considerate. You can't see her in trouble!"

After Mrs. Wu finished speaking, she blinked at Xiangyun again and whispered: "If Grandma Xie has a spirit in heaven, she should rest in peace now. The person who harmed her has already received retribution, and she would rather be dead than alive." !"

Xiangyun was a little confused and said doubtfully: "Mom, what do you mean?"

Mrs. Wu said with a hint of relief, "That boy Mo Zili was paralyzed during the earth dragon rollover. I heard he won't be able to get up for the rest of his life. Do you think he got retribution?"

Xiangyun's expression was a little startled after hearing this. The name Mo Zili was already very vague and far away to her, as if he was someone she met in a previous life. She had even forgotten his appearance. His kindness Bad things can no longer cause any ripples in her heart!

Seeing that her daughter was stunned, Mrs. Wu thought that Xiangyun was recalling the pain of the past, and said bitterly: "I heard that the boy later fell in love with a girl from the county magistrate's family in the north. Duke Li Guo transferred her to On the way to the capital, the girl fell into a cliff. Mo Zili almost killed himself in order to save her, but guess what happened next..."

She deliberately kept her secrets to arouse her daughter's interest. However, Xiangyun said lightly: "Just do whatever you want. I'm not interested in knowing. I just asked Cuiwen and Cuilu to find Nanny Xie's grave." It would be better to invite more monks and Taoists to perform rituals for her!"

Mrs. Wu originally wanted to say that the girl from the county magistrate's family did not like him and married someone else yesterday. Unexpectedly, her daughter was not interested at all, so she had to shut up. It seemed that her daughter had indeed forgotten about her ex-husband. Everything is clean...

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