Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1839: Seizing favor from court (2)

"As for raising the case to raise eyebrows, haha, I think that Meng Guang is a stupid pig. Why is he willing to humble himself and respect that Liang Hong like that? If Liang Hong really loved her, he would not be willing to let her lift the tray so high to treat him every day. After dinner, since Liang Hong doesn't care about her, but she still respects him so much, isn't she just mean? Let me tell you, it must be that Liang Hong has no ability, and he likes to show off and make himself known, so he can't get along outside. I have no choice but to look for dignity and the feeling of being respected in my wife. It’s really disgusting!"

His thoughts and ideas were completely criticized by her, and Li was extremely depressed. However, what made him even more depressed was that he did not dare to have an attack. He endured it again and again, and asked: "According to what the lady said, if a man is not powerful outside, , don’t you have any dignity when you go home?"

Juhua said sharply: "Whether a man has dignity at home does not depend on how much money he brings home, nor how big an official he is, but on his moral character. If he is a moral person, he has no ability." Making money is worthy of his wife's respect. On the contrary, he has made gold and silver and is at the top of the list of officials. So what? As long as he has bad conduct, he will still not be respected by his wife! "

Li Sheng said: "May I ask, madam, what kind of man is considered to be of noble character in your eyes? In your eyes, has Mr. Li been classified as a person of low moral character?"

Xiangyun gently knocked on the hand stove he held in his arms, looked up at the roof of the car and thought for a while, then said: "This, it's really hard to define, anyway, in my eyes, a man of noble character must be He must be the kind of real man who can stand on people with his fists and control horses with his arms. The things he does can always make people admire and respect him from the bottom of his heart. He never does things that people look down upon. Son, I had no idea about you in my heart originally, but after what happened this morning, you have basically been classified as a person of low moral character.      "

Hearing this, Li Sheng's face suddenly became clouded and extremely ugly. He had studied sages' books since he was a child, and the books taught the idea that men are superior to women. His male chauvinism has been deeply ingrained. In his concept, women She is a man's dependence. She should obey her husband's words without being able to refute. Even her parents should be respectful and look up to their daughter because she has become his dependence. But she is so arrogant. Domineering and not taking him seriously, it is so abominable!

He really wanted to beat this unruly woman until she was subdued, but he didn't dare. If he dared to touch her, she might turn around and go back to the palace to complain to the Queen, causing others to suffer. When he lands, even if he doesn't go to the Queen to complain, the Shen family will not let him go. He has touched their hearts. Maybe they will really divorce him and drive him out of the house. Then how can he Hasn’t he returned to his original state of being helpless and poorly fed? So, he stared at her for a while and lowered his eyes.

Forget it, a man can bend and stretch. For the sake of a better life in the future, it doesn't matter if he suffers a little grievance now. I think Han Xin, the Marquis of Huaiyin, could still bear the humiliation of his crotch. He was just giving a few taunts to a little woman. It was no big deal. .

Having made up his mind, he adjusted his emotions. Several times, he tried to talk to Juhua, but Juhua was lying on the car window, just looking at the scenery outside the window, and Ben didn't even look at him. He brought up several topics, but Juhua refused to pay attention to him. She just looked at the various restaurants outside and drooled.

When passing by the Blessed Hotpot City, Juhua suddenly slapped the car and shouted, "Stop the car, I want to go down and eat hotpot!"

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