Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1843: Seizing favor from court (6)

He Lanhao picked up the piece of meat, put it in his mouth, chewed it for a while and swallowed it, and praised: "Very good, there is nothing better than eating this in winter!"

Chao Gui picked up another chopstick of spinach, put it on He Lanhao's plate, and said softly: "Your Majesty, you should also eat some vegetables. Spinach can nourish the blood, detoxify, and protect your eyes. You always eat it at night." It's good for your body to eat some spinach after sleeping so late!"

He Lanhao obediently put the spinach into his mouth and said, "Don't patronize me. You eat it too. We are all pregnant. How can we not eat more?" As he said, he was already pregnant. I gave Chao Gui several chopsticks of meat and vegetables.

On the ground, several concubines sat on a table, watching His Majesty and the subsequent unscrupulous displays of affection. They felt sour in their hearts, but they could not hate it, because if the Queen had not shown mercy and advised Your Majesty to share the rain, they would still be thirsty. Now, although they are not favored, they have all been lucky at least. There are two lucky ones who are pregnant with dragon seeds like the queen.

Therefore, even if His Majesty favors the Queen, although everyone is envious and jealous, they do not hate it. Comparatively speaking, it is much better for the Queen to be favored than for the imperial concubine to be favored. I think that when the imperial concubine was favored, she was so jealous that it made Your Majesty look down on her. He was as strong as iron and copper, let alone letting them sleep with him, anyone who dared to look at His Majesty one more time would be punished by her for eighty times, and his head would be beaten to a pulp in front of everyone.

But after the queen was favored, not only was she not jealous, but she also took the initiative to persuade her majesty to share the favor with everyone. She often created opportunities for everyone to get close to his majesty. Therefore, everyone was more grateful to the queen than jealous of her, and it was precisely because The queen was so graceful and magnanimous that all the concubines supported her very much, but she followed suit, which made the concubine half-dead angry, but there was nothing she could do.

The imperial concubine is Hannah. Although she was given the title of imperial concubine, her favor has become worse day by day. She used to be the favorite of the special family, but later she was divided into half of the favor by the queen. Later, the only half of her favor was given to her. She was also spoiled by the foxy ladies in the harem. Last month, His Majesty only stayed in her palace for three nights, which was not as good as the queen's.

Listening to the queen talking about how your majesty always sleeps very late at night, it sounded to her like the queen was deliberately stimulating her, which made her couldn't help but think of some scenes that made her crazy. Therefore, she looked at the queen's face. His eyes became more hostile.

"How does the queen know that spinach can nourish the blood, detoxify, and protect the eyes? Don't you just deliberately make it up to please His Majesty? Although your intentions are good, you cannot bear the crime of deceiving the emperor. Got up."

Chao Gui smiled gently and said: "I also heard what Queen Mu said. I haven't verified whether it is true. Your Majesty, you won't blame me!"

As he said that, those bright eyes stared at He Lanhao, with a helpless smile on his delicate little face. Every time Hannah was in danger, she always smiled helplessly like this, but she never complained and never complained. Not tit for tat, seeing He Lanhao feel distressed and angry, he couldn't help but stand on Chao Gui's side and help her deal with Hannah.

"How can I blame you? You are also doing it for my own good. How could I be so ignorant? Besides, since the Queen of the Jin Dynasty said so, there is a high probability that spinach has this effect!"

"Your Majesty, just don't blame me. Come on, have a drink. Drinking will warm you up in the winter."

As he spoke, he poured a cup for He Lanhao: "I brought this from Dajin, and it has been buried under the roots of the big pear tree outside the palace. There are only two altars in total, and this one is the only one left. Let’s take it out today and let’s drink it together!”

With that said, Ling Xiaoman went to pour wine for everyone. Everyone heard that this wine was so precious and couldn't wait to try it. Only Concubine Ling sneered and said, "Who drank the queen's first jar of wine?"

She was actually ridiculing Chao Gui for remarrying, and she was also reminding Helan Hao that Chao Gui was a second-hand commodity, in order to reduce Chao Gui's favor in He Lan Hao's heart.

Sure enough, after Chao Gui heard what she said, an embarrassed look appeared on her face, and all the concubines who were talking and laughing suddenly became silent. They were all the concubines left by Helan Qi, and they were the same as Queen Chao Gui. It's almost the same. Because of their status, they often feel embarrassed and hate others mentioning it. Hannah originally only wanted to attack Chao Gei, but she inadvertently offended everyone.

Everyone already hated Hannah, but now they hate her even more!

Hearing this, He Lanhao glanced at Hannah coldly and said, "The imperial concubine is drunk, so she should go back and settle her down!"

But Hannah didn't want to leave and argued: "I'm not drunk. I didn't drink at all. How can I be guilty?"

Chao Gui said softly: "Your Majesty, since the imperial concubine does not want to go back, let her finish eating before leaving. She will go back with everyone later. She will have a companion while chatting and laughing on the way, so that she will not be alone. ."

Another meaning of this sentence is that Your Majesty will stay here tonight and will not go to her place.

Originally, His Majesty promised to go to Hannah's place tonight, but judging from the Queen's intention, it was obvious that she wanted to cut off her beard.

Hannah quit and said in a cold voice: "How can I be lonely? Your Majesty has promised to go to my palace tonight. If you want to be lonely, you must be alone!"

"Your Majesty promised to come to your place tonight?"

Chao Gui showed a confused look, and then said: "Okay, then let your Majesty leave with Concubine Ling later!"

Mrs. Huarui said: "I came earlier than everyone else just now. When I came, I saw the imperial doctor. I heard the imperial doctor said that the queen has not been feeling well for the past two days. Why don't you stay with the queen tonight? After all, the queen is pregnant with a dragon. There is no room for any mistakes, I believe that your concubine will put the dragon heir first!"

The other concubines listened. They all agreed: "The dragon heir in the queen's belly is our Xianbei's legitimate son, and he is very valuable. Your Majesty, you should stay!"

He Lanhao didn't want to go to Hannah's place at first. It was because she was crying and fussing that he couldn't help it, so he had to agree to go there tonight. After hearing everyone's advice, he immediately came down the steps: "Okay, I will stay in the queen's palace tonight!"

When Hannah heard this, her heart suddenly became cold. In the past few months, He Lanhao had become more and more indifferent to her. She also cried, made trouble, and became hysterical, but it had no effect at all. The more she cried, the more she cried. The more she made trouble, the more he hated himself. Now, she didn't cry or make trouble, and even let these women let him go, but he still didn't like himself, and he didn't even want to save the least face for her.

He had already promised to go to her palace at night, but now he let her go. How could she have the face to hang around in this palace?

Chao Gui glanced at Hannah lightly and said, "Your Majesty, is this...appropriate? Concubine Ling won't blame me..."

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