Although the lady's voice was not loud, everyone heard it. When Ning Huaixiu heard the words, her face suddenly turned red, her lips were pursed tightly, and the fists under her sleeves were clenched so tightly that her knuckles were so tight. Turned white.

In this life, entering the palace voluntarily has become the biggest failure of her life, and it is also a stain on her body that is difficult to wash away. Unless she can marry Nangong Yi in an upright and upright manner, otherwise, she will be ridiculed and ridiculed for the rest of her life.

Therefore, she must marry that person, must sit on the queen's throne, and must trample under her feet those who dare to ridicule her and ridicule her, so that they will never be able to stand up again...

When Juhua saw Ning Huaixiu being ridiculed for defending her, she immediately got angry. She immediately rolled up her sleeves, pointed at the young lady who was speaking, and said loudly: "What did you say? If you dare, say it again. Believe it or not, I will beat you to death." ?"

"Oh, what are you going to do?"

"Oops, someone is going to commit murder?"

The delicate ladies had never seen Juhua in such a rude manner. Some of them screamed in fright, and some were stunned.The maids and women who were waiting for them swarmed up and stood in front of their master, saying one after another: "Miss Shen, what are you doing? You're here to celebrate your birthday in a good manner, why do you want to hit someone?"

"Yes, Miss Shen, you are obviously doing this to ruin things!"

Juhua pointed at the young lady who had just spoken with a tearful eye, and said, "She was the one who brought it upon herself, and I didn't provoke her to provoke her. Why is she looking for my bad luck? Even Sister Ning was ridiculed by her. What do you think of us?" Are you easy to bully? Since you have the guts to start a fight, why don't you come out and fight me alone? What's the point of hiding behind an old lady? Come out and see if I don't tear your delicate tongue to shreds!"

The young lady had never seen such a tough woman before. She was so frightened that she hid behind her grandma. She was so frightened. If she was really beaten for speaking out, it would be a huge loss to her reputation as a good friend and to the family. His reputation is all over.

While they were in a stalemate, Fei'er led several ladies in again. She heard the movement in the house when she was in the yard. When she entered the house, she happened to see this tense posture, so she smiled and said, "What's going on?" It's rare for the girls to get together. Why don't they talk and laugh for fun? They all stood up, but did they get into a fight over grabbing snacks? "

She didn't reveal the current situation to avoid embarrassment for everyone. She only asked Liuzhu and Liuli behind her to go to the kitchen to get some various snacks for the girls to eat. The other girls saw that the snacks were not enough, so they all stood up and grabbed them.

Both Liuzhu and Liuli were trained by Fei Er. Naturally they understood what happened to Field, so they both laughed and said, "Slaves, please bring more people over this time. Many girls from other families will be here soon, in case the snacks are not enough." , we still have to fight..."

After saying that, he walked away with a smile, and the storm was resolved silently.

When the girls from General Zhongyi's Mansion and Uncle Wu Qing's Mansion heard that the girl said that another young lady would be coming later, they were all afraid that a quarrel would damage their reputation, so they all kept their mouths shut and stopped causing trouble for Juhua.

Although the chrysanthemums were delicious, she was so angry that she no longer had any appetite. She sat there angrily, glaring fiercely at the people who came over, as if whoever dared to mess with her again would stand up and beat that person up. Like a meal.

Her fierceness as a northern woman really shocked a room full of delicate ladies. They didn't dare to say anything to her anymore, and they didn't even look at her.

However, she was also isolated. Everyone sat together, talking and laughing extra hard, as if they were laughing deliberately for Juhua to hear, and no one paid any attention to Juhua and Ning Huaixiu.

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