After all the gifts were given to her relatives, it was the turn of the ladies and ladies who came to celebrate their birthdays to give gifts. One by one, everyone presented the things they had carefully prepared. Mrs. Bai thanked her while greeting her guests warmly.

When it was Juhua's turn, Bai's smiling face suddenly dropped. Due to the crowd of distinguished guests, she did not drive Juhua out, but said coldly and distantly: "I remember that Duke Li Guo's Mansion did not give Mrs. Li any money." Post, it’s rare for Mrs. Li to be so attentive, thank you very much!"

Bai's words were telling everyone that she didn't invite Juhua at all, but Juhua shamelessly came uninvited.

Juhua was extremely embarrassed. She just wanted to celebrate her birthday and express her apologies to their family and her gratitude to Mo Zili. Unexpectedly, her hot cheek touched her cold ass. Madam Bai's attitude made Juhua go crazy. Her hot heart suddenly felt cold. Being looked at with disdainful eyes from everyone made her face turn red to the very bottom of her ears. She could neither leave nor stay. It was really embarrassing.

Fortunately, Fei'er was there and helped her smooth things over in time. Fei'er took her birthday gift and said, "It's great if Sister Juhua is here. We thought you just got married and wouldn't be able to go out to socialize. It's rare that my sister came out for my aunt." , Thank you so much. The banquet is about to begin, sister, please take a seat, I will have something to say to you later!"

After saying that, Tanchun helped her back to her seat.

Fei'er's words were a disguised explanation for why she didn't give an invitation to Juhua, and they also helped her regain some face. However, Juhua still felt aggrieved. She sat in her seat with her face red all the time. When the food was served, she had no appetite to eat the sumptuous banquet on the table.

Sitting next to her, Mrs. Du also saw that she was wronged, so she kindly helped her get some food. Juhua reluctantly took a few bites, but she was not satisfied with the food. She always felt that everyone in the room was laughing at her. she.

After finally finishing the meal, Juhua couldn't wait to leave here. The prefect also arranged a play for everyone to watch after the meal. It is said that it is a new book called "Shui Man Jin Shan" and it was written by Liu Xi!

Juhua was not in the mood to watch the show at all, so she took Xiaokui out while the banquet was being cleared, planning to find Ning Huaixiu and tell her before going home quietly.

When she was going to the examination room on the left, Ning Huaixiu came to look for her holding the girl's hand.

Seeing Juhua, Ning Huaixiu took her hand and whispered: "Sister Shen, I just heard that you have been wronged. What is going on? Please tell me quickly."

There are so many people here, it's really not the place to talk. Juhua said: "Sister Ning, I'll talk to you when I get back. Now I'm not feeling well and want to go back first. You can stay here by yourself!"

Ning Huaixiu looked at the ladies and ladies going around and said, "Come out with me first, and we can talk outside."

With that said, without waiting for Juhua to reply, he pulled her out.

"Hey, Sister Ning, where are you taking me? I'm going home?" Juhua whispered.

As Ning Huaixiu walked away, she whispered, "My sister felt uncomfortable because of the Second Madam's words and wanted to leave early regardless of etiquette?"

Shen Juhua puffed up her mouth and said angrily: "People don't appreciate it at all, but they get angry when they see me. Why should I bother to bother others and make others feel uncomfortable?"

Ning Huaixiu said: "My sister is wrong to say that. Mr. Li and the second master and his wife did suffer a lot because of my sister, but my sister turned around and married someone else. It is normal for the second lady to be resentful. If a person harbors resentment, In her heart, the resentment will become more and more knotted in her heart. If she does not untie the knot in her heart as soon as possible, sooner or later it will turn into a deep hatred. Although the Queen is good friends with her sister, she cannot protect you every day. Li Guo The government has a high and powerful position, so if one day someone unknowingly attacks your family, wouldn't my sister regret it?"

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