The two of them turned around the front of the rockery and suddenly saw a cave appearing in front of them.

"Get in quickly!"

Ning Huaixiu took Juhua's hand and trotted into the cave. However, the man's footsteps followed her like a shadow. Then, the man's lewd voice sounded: "Little lady, why are you running? I am just here." I want to get to know you two, why should you refuse me thousands of miles away?"

Ning Huaixiu seemed to be frightened. She took Juhua's hand and ran desperately into the cave. The cave was very deep, like a tunnel. The deeper you went in, the darker it became. Gradually, you couldn't even see people clearly. In the dark cave, the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer was particularly scary.

"Sister Ning, don't be afraid, I will protect you!"

Shen Juhua, who had regained her senses, picked up a stone and stood in front of Ning Huaixiu, preparing to fight the disciple.

However, suddenly, a handkerchief with a strong fragrance stretched out from behind and covered her mouth and nose.

Juhua's eyes widened in disbelief, and she whimpered twice: "Sister" and then fell softly.


Ning Huaixiu sneered, threw away the handkerchief, walked quickly outside, and whispered to the oncoming man: "She has passed out. You stay here and watch her. Don't let her have any trouble before I come back." If you have the chance to leave here, you can do whatever you want to her."

The man said, "Miss Ning, as long as I help you this time, will you really agree to marry me?"

Ning Huaixiu asked back: "You have known me for so many years, do you think I have ever done something untrue to my word?"

"Yes, I believe you. I only love you and won't do anything to her. But I will definitely create the illusion of having an affair with her and ruin her reputation. Who made her offend you? Don't worry. …."

Hearing this, Ning Huaixiu smiled lightly and said softly: "Mr. Bai, thank you very much this time. When I have my revenge, you can send someone to my house to propose marriage!"

When Mr. Bai heard this, he was immediately elated.

He has liked Ning Huaixiu for five years. He has liked her to the core since the first time he met her five years ago. It is just because he is a concubine and is not worthy of her at all, so he can only hide his feelings. in the belly.

Later, Ning Huaixiu entered the palace as a slave and was deported. She suddenly became infamous from the most valuable daughter in the capital. He felt that his opportunity had come, and begged his father many times, and finally moved his father. Uncle Wu Qing agreed to send someone to propose marriage to the Ning Mansion on his behalf.

However, even though Miss Ning's reputation was bad, the family status of the Ning family was still beyond the reach of a concubine like him. When Prime Minister Ning heard that Uncle Wu Qing had proposed to marry his legitimate daughter on behalf of his concubine, he couldn't help but became furious and threw his former son into the trap. The people who came to propose marriage pointed their noses and cursed and drove them out.

Uncle Wu Qing was so angry that he naturally directed all his anger at his son. He scolded the unlucky bastard and quickly helped him get married to put an end to his thoughts. .

The daughter-in-law that Mr. Bai married was also a concubine from a courtier's family. Although they were born in a beautiful family, Mr. Bai had already set his sights on Ning Huaixiu. When they were in love with his wife, they also called her by Huaixiu's name. My wife imitated Ning Huaixiu's appearance in dressing and dressing, and even the way she talked and walked imitated Ning Huaixiu's appearance. She was like a demon.

Originally, he thought that he would never have a chance to get Ning Huaixiu in his life, but not long ago, he suddenly received a letter from Ning Huaixiu, inviting him to a remote teahouse for a chat.

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