If this is the case, then the person behind him is really terrifying, even scarier than Tian Jizi!

Caiwei's heart skipped a beat, and she rubbed her brows and thought hard: Who is this person hiding behind? Why is there the power of the prophet? And why did he plot against her and repeatedly want to kill her?

Soon, she naturally thought of Ning Huaixiu, who tricked her into the cave. At that time, she claimed that they met the disciples and Juhua was kidnapped by the disciples and took her to the cave. Thinking about it now, her words were full of loopholes.

In terms of appearance, she is more than one level more beautiful than Juhua. In terms of temperament, Juhua cannot compare with her at all. If she really meets a deceitful person, she should be hijacked instead of Juhua! Moreover, Juhua grew up in the north. She has the fierceness of a northern woman and will not be easily surrendered. How could it be that she, Ning Huaixiu, escaped, but Juhua was captured instead?

Furthermore, she knew a little bit about Ning Huaixiu's temperament. She was aloof and arrogant, and she would never get together with a girl with Juhua's personality. She had wondered before why Juhua would get together with Ning Huaixiu. At that time, she thought that Ning Huaixiu wanted to use chrysanthemums to curry favor with her. It seems that she guessed wrong. The purpose of Ning Huaixiu's deliberate friendship with chrysanthemums was not to curry favor with her, but to use chrysanthemums to lure her into taking the bait so that she could take the opportunity to kill her. die!

"Ning Huaixiu, I really underestimated you..."

Caiwei looked at the mountains of large rocks outside the space, her eyes becoming cold and sharp...


The excavation work is not easy. The rockery in Li Guogong's Mansion is very big and long. It can be compared with the rockery in the back house of Prince Gong's Mansion in Caiwei's world. It doesn't look like it can be dug in three or two days. I don't expect it to be dug. over.

When it got dark, Nangong Yi Zhongyi lost his temper.

If his wife entered the space, she should have come out when it got dark, but it was already dark now and she still didn't come out. Could something have happened?

The more the man thought about it, the more frightened he became, and he couldn't help but clenched his hands behind his back. He said in a deep voice: "Come here, bring the Royal Guards here, and then bring the Imperial Guards from outside the city into the city. Let's work together to dig the mountain. We won't be here today." After digging the mountain, no one is allowed to eat or sleep!"

"Your Majesty, this... is not good..."

Yang Yonggong started his work, feeling extremely embarrassed. If the Imperial Army guarding the city and the Royal Forest Army guarding the palace were mobilized to dig mountains, the entire capital would be completely defenseless. If something went wrong, the Jin Kingdom would be destroyed. .

"There's nothing wrong with it. Go quickly!" Nangong Yi's voice became stern.

Yang Yong shivered, quickly lowered his head, and said softly: "Yes!" Then he bent down and set up the arrangement.

In the darkness, the cold wind howled, the weather was getting colder and colder, and Nangong Yi's head became clearer and clearer.

Today is Laba, and the weather is surprisingly cold. Instead of watching the show in the house, what is she doing in the back garden? And why did you rush to the rockery in such a hurry?

Thinking of this, Nangong Yi said coldly: "Wang Qiu!"

"Yes, the slave is here!"

Huanqiu, who had been kneeling in front of the rockery, lowered his head and responded.

She failed to protect her master, and now he is missing and his life and death are unknown. Therefore, Huanqiu has been kneeling in front of the rockery, blaming herself, waiting for the result of moving the back of the rockery. If the Queen was really beaten to death, she would not survive and would definitely die to apologize!

"Why did the queen come to the back garden? Did she say anything before coming? What did she do?"

Huan Qiu said: "When I was listening to a play in Lixiangyuan, Miss Ning from the Prime Minister's Mansion came to my empress and said that Miss Shen met a disciple in the back garden, and he dragged him into a cave and molested her. I must be afraid of being raped by others. I found out that this matter would affect Miss Shen's reputation, so I went to rescue her alone without anyone else!"

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