Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1880 Li Sheng’s fate (2)

The attendant asked, "Master, what are your plans?"

Liu Xi stood up and sneered: "Go to the county government office!"

The new county magistrate did not recognize Liu Xi, but the master recognized him. Several of the catchers who used to follow Shen Luming also knew him. When they saw him coming, they hurriedly informed the new county magistrate of his identity.

When the county magistrate heard about Liu Xi's identity, he hurriedly got up to pay his respects. Liu Xi said politely, "Mr. magistrate, you don't have to be polite. The Za family is here because they have lost an important item, so I came here to trouble the magistrate." Help the Za family find it..."

When the county magistrate heard this, he hurriedly said: "My father-in-law has lost something. Even if I tell my subordinates, I will dig three feet into the ground to get my father-in-law's things back."

Liu Xidao: "The object is not big, just a piece of jade pendant. The Zajia family has found out who stole it. Please ask the county magistrate to send someone to catch the thief and get the Zajia jade pendant back..."

That jade pendant was a gift from the Queen, and Li Sheng was a scholar. Naturally, he knew what a sin it would be for him to use the royal gift as a ransom for a prostitute. Therefore, for the sake of his life, even if he was charged with theft, he He, I'm sorry, didn't dare to distinguish anything. Liu Xi had calculated this accurately and planned to use this crime to deal with this arrogant man with evil intentions. However, this maniac's name was unjust, but he never dared to tell the truth. , and the mute can only eat Coptis chinensis.

Let's say that Li Sheng has been waiting restlessly in Ningxiang Pavilion since the Madam left, stretching his neck and looking out from time to time. He hasn't seen Yiyi for a year. I wonder how she is doing now? Have you suffered in the past year? Have you been bullied?

She is so good-looking, and there are as many men in Qing County who care about her as mosquitoes and flies. She must have been bullied a lot during his absence...

Thinking of this, his heart ached.

Three years ago, he met Yiyi accidentally and was shocked. When he learned that Yiyi had received ten taels of silver a night, he went crazy and went to the temple gate every day to write letters to people in the temple. The monk copied the scriptures. Those who didn’t know it thought he was making money to support his family and study. Only he knew that since seeing Yiyi, he no longer wanted to study. He only wanted to kiss Fangze and then died. Complained.

However, ten taels of silver was a huge amount. He had been saving for more than a year, but he had only saved three or four taels of silver. His sister-in-law knew that he was setting up a stall to write letters and copy books, but she did not see him taking any money from home. She had stopped for a long time. I was happy, and kept talking about miscellaneous things every day. Later, it happened that the Madam of Ningxiang Pavilion wanted to find a gentleman who could read and write to teach them how to read in order to increase the status of the girls in her yard. He was given a lot of money to teach, but because it was a dirty place, no serious scholars were willing to go there. Only he, for the sake of Yiyi, still went there to teach.

Later, he got the first prize first, and took advantage of the opportunity of teaching to win Yiyi's heart. They were both beautiful young people. As soon as they got together, they found an opportunity to elope. Later, they were arrested and he was dismissed from the scholar's position. Due to fame, it’s a matter of leaving the capital...

Although he was far away in the capital, he missed Yiyi all the time. Because he felt sorry for her, he tried his best to offend his father-in-law, mother-in-law and his newlywed wife. He rushed back day and night on the pretext of worshiping his ancestors, just to save her a few days. He was bullied and suffered a few days less. Now the pain is finally over. He has money and can redeem her life.

He has already planned to secretly bring her to the capital tomorrow and buy a quiet small courtyard to raise her. When he takes control of the entire Shen family and gets all the Shen family's wealth, he will Get rid of that shrew Shen Juhua, and then straighten Yiyi up.

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