Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1888 New Palace Maid (3)

Caiwei had decided on the marriage in advance. She wanted to have a more lively wedding during the New Year, so she set the day of their wedding on the New Year's Day.

Nangong Yi did not agree with them all getting married at once, because Caiwei was the most nostalgic, and she would not be used to sending away all the capable people around her at once. But Caiwei insisted on doing this. These girls are not young anymore and should have their own lives. She is a high-ranking queen. It is not difficult to choose a few capable subordinates, so there is no need to do it for her own preferences. Delay their happiness.

In the morning, the three eldest maids were pulled up by the nuns in the palace to dress up. In the past few years, they have been with Caiwei. Caiwei has always appreciated their space, so they are all white and tender. Tender, each one is like a green onion.

They were wearing bright red wedding dresses and exquisite makeup. They all looked beautiful. Caiwei was very generous to these girls who had served Caiwei faithfully for several years and gave each of them a generous dowry, which was enough for them to spend their entire lives.

After kowtowing to Caiwei, Caiwei was very reluctant to leave. She gave them a few instructions on how to become wives for others in the future, and then asked them to go out after seeing that the auspicious time was approaching. The three of them got on the sedan chair, came out of the palace, and walked down the imperial street playing music. When the people saw it, they were filled with envy. They were very grateful for the queen's kindness to her servants. Some people who had daughters at home were even more determined. When the daughters grow up, they must be allowed to enter the palace and become maids no matter what. Maybe they will have such a good opportunity...

After sending away a few girls, Nangong Yi and Caiwei had breakfast together with three steamed buns. The rule in the palace is that the staple food for breakfast during the New Year is rice cakes and yellow rice, as well as steamed fish, pig heart and other exquisite dishes. Side dishes mean having more than enough every year and having all your wishes come true.

During the meal, Mingzhu saw that the waiters had changed, and she said in a sweet voice, "Mother, where are Chunliu, Xiaozhi, and Wanqiu, where have they gone?"

Caiwei touched her little head and said softly: "They are old and married, and they will no longer serve us."

Yu'er raised her head and said naively: "Mother, will we get married when we grow up?"

Caiwei raised her forehead and said, "Only girls get married. You are a boy, so you don't need to get married. When you grow up, my mother and father will find you a wife."

After hearing this, Mingzhu pursed her lips and said with slightly pink eye circles: "Mother, when I grow up, will I have to get married, and then leave you and my father like Chunliu and the others?"


Before Caiwei could speak, Nangong Yi had already answered for her, "When you grow up, your father will find a son-in-law for you. From then on, you will live in the palace and be with your father and mother forever."

Nangong Yi said this, not to comfort his daughter, but his true thoughts.

Although Mingzhu is still young, she is his most beloved child. When he thinks that his beloved daughter will get married and become someone else's wife, Nangong Yi goes crazy. No, his daughter will not get married. , Marrying is also recruiting a wife. He wants his daughter to live under his nose. If the future son-in-law dares to bully her daughter, he will kill him mercilessly. On the contrary, if the consort can treat his pearl well and give the pearl If he is happy, he will definitely treat him like his own son and give him and his family great favor and treatment like royalty.

Caiwei smiled and said: "You are too doting on your children. Since ancient times, how can any princess still live in the palace after having a consort? Besides, when they grow up, it will be time to build a mansion for them outside the palace. In the future, let Zhuer Living with the consort in the princess's mansion and not going to the consort's house is the same as marrying into a wife. There is no need to let her live back in the palace."

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