Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1890 New Palace Maid (5)

He couldn't say whether he loved the Supreme Emperor more or hated him more. He just heard that he was leaving and felt a little melancholy, as if a memory of his past was about to be buried in the vast Tianlun Mountains and disappear forever in his life... …

Caiwei knew that Nangong Yi was in a complicated mood at the moment, so she did not disturb him and followed him, taking the children, to the Queen Mother to ask for peace and kowtow.

Nangong Yi's feelings for the Empress Dowager are very clear. If he doesn't like it, he just doesn't like it, because when he needed her protection the most when he was young, she stood in the ranks of Concubine Jin and was indifferent to Nangong Yi's help and pleas. This is also This became the reason why Nangong Yi could not forgive her.

The Empress Dowager knew her grandson's feelings for her, so she stayed quietly in the harem, not daring to cause trouble. During the holidays, when Nangong Yi came to pay her respects, she often tried to make amends between herself and her grandson. relationship, however, she did not take action when Nangong Yi needed her help the most. Now that he no longer needed her care, the hospitality she showed could only be regarded as flattery and flattery.

The Empress Dowager has regretted the things she has done more than once. Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in the world. It is impossible for Nangong Yi to forgive her. He did not deal with her and allowed her to continue to stay in the palace to enjoy the glory and wealth. She is extremely merciful and wants him to get close to her. She wants to show off her identity as a grandma in front of him, but she can only wait for the next life...

After paying their respects, the family returned to Shouxian Palace in a warm sedan. As soon as they returned, a eunuch came to report that Prime Minister Ning died suddenly after getting up this morning. The cause of death was unknown.

Nangong Yi dismissed the eunuch and asked Caiwei, "In summary, Ning Huaixiu is a hundred times more hateful than Prime Minister Ning. Why didn't Wei'er kill her first instead of Prime Minister Ning?"

Caiwei smiled and said: "This is called psychological tactics. Didn't you say that just killing Ning Huaixiu would be too advantageous for her? So I plan to let her die slowly and scare her with some psychedelic powder so that she will be frightened every day." I'm afraid, I'll wait until she's tortured enough to let her die, so you don't think I'm taking advantage of her."

Nangong Yiyou said angrily: "No matter what, I still left her whole body. I still think it's too cheap for her."

Caiwei is a descendant of Fuyou Island and has accepted modern ideas for decades. She cannot do the things that the ancients did, such as cutting the body into pieces and beheading Ling Chi. In her opinion, it would be very difficult for a person to endure a huge amount of pain before death. The psychological torture was already very cruel. She was asked to order a person to be cut into pieces or burned with a cannon. Even if that person was an enemy who had repeatedly harmed her and wanted to take her life, she would not be able to do it.

"Forget it, they say the most terrifying thing in the world is not death, but waiting to die. It is already cruel to let her endure a long wait for death in the last period of her life. There is no need to make it so bloody. The killing is too heavy and it is against the law. Tianhe's." As he spoke, he led them into the space.

Tonight there will be a banquet for the ministers as usual. They have to accept the worship of the ministers and the royal wives in the Shuntian Palace. They have to stay up all night, so while I am free now, I plan to have a good sleep first. So that I can receive my ministers in spirit and stay up all night...

In order to sleep a little longer, Caiwei also lit benzoin in the room, which helps with sleep. Otherwise, Jin'er would wake up after a short sleep. If he woke up, they would not be able to sleep. So, when she ordered more benzoin, she deliberately ordered more. This benzoin is made from flowers from space. It smells good and is harmless to the body. It doesn’t matter how much she orders. It’s just to sleep a little longer. That’s all.

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