Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1899 Ning Huaixiu is dead (2)

The fried cake Caiwei had eaten snacks in her previous life, but she hadn’t eaten them in many years! When she first saw this kind of thing, she suddenly felt homesick, and involuntarily stopped in front of a stall selling fried cakes.

Mingzhu stared at the golden fried cake with big black eyes. She sniffed and stuffed her short and fat fingers into her mouth. She had never eaten fried cake before. This cake looked oily. It smells delicious and must be delicious. My mother is also looking at the golden cakes and seems to want to eat them.

"Madam, please give me two pieces of fried cake. It costs ten cents each. It's fragrant and sweet. It's guaranteed to be delicious!"

The waiter standing in the front and yelling was probably in his twenties. He was neatly dressed and holding a rag in his hand. He was wiping the tables and chairs behind the stall. There were also customers nearby, looking like they were enjoying their food.

Nangong Yi also stopped and turned around to see his precious wife and daughter looking at the fried cakes on the stall with fascination. He walked over without saying a word and put the two buns on the stall. on the chair.

"Come and try some. It's still early. I just heard that there will be a lion dance later."

They had just eaten dinner not long ago, and they were not hungry yet, so they only ordered five pieces to try.

Not to mention, this deep-fried cake is fried really well. The heat is moderate, and the thin glutinous rice noodles are fried into a golden color. The surface is crispy, and the filling inside is also soft and delicious. It is real and slightly sweet. Although the taste is not as good as the food in the space, it is rare for the food outside to be so delicious.

So, the family ate their respective pieces of fried cake.

Caiwei also specially bought a few pieces and secretly gave them to the parrots. The parrots and Changmei ate such snacks for the first time and thought they were really good, so they shouted to Caiwei to buy more. Anyway, the space has the function of keeping fresh, and it will not go bad if you keep it for a long time. It is better to buy more and save it for them to eat as snacks.

This request was not difficult to fulfill. Caiwei satisfied them and bought fifty yuan each for jujube paste filling and bean paste filling.

The vendor who bought fried cakes was a little uncomfortable when he saw that Caiwei's family only ordered a few fried cakes, but they occupied his table. However, Caiwei immediately bought a hundred fried cakes. The vendor was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth and hurriedly packed Caiwei with oil paper.

One hundred pieces of fried cake, that's one tael of silver, at least a profit of five coins. I'm really lucky today to meet such a big customer...

After eating the fried cakes, Caiwei paid the bill. The couple led the children and continued walking until they reached a crowded place. Caiwei unknowingly put all the fried cakes into the space, pointing as she walked. After ordering it, tell the children what this is and what that is. Everyone walks toward the East Street in a mighty manner. The road is the widest and has the most lights. The dragon and lion dances arrive first and are the most lively.

"Xiaolongbao, three delicacies and small wontons. It's such a cold day to have a bowl to warm your stomach. These three delicacies include dried shrimps shipped from the southern seaside. You can't eat them on weekdays! Come and try new things! "

"The baked leek box is freshly made and sold. Buy one to try. The fresh wine and food are very delicious! Hey, aunt, you see your eldest grandson is hungry. How about one? Three cents a piece!"

There were too many people, so Nangong Yi picked up his two sons again, and Caiwei also held Zhuer in her arms. As they walked with the flow of people, everyone on the street was dressed up, with joy on their faces. From time to time, ladies from wealthy families would come out with their maids. Cars and horses had been banned on the streets, and everyone could only walk slowly.

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