Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1916 Barter Festival (3)

Chao'er ignored Nangong Yi's dark face and stubbornly held Mingzhu's hand while crying, refusing to let go. Mingzhu is in a dilemma. She wants to coax her brother to sleep, but she also doesn’t want to make her father unhappy. What should she do?

Seeing that Nangong Yi refused to let go, Wanyan Jingchen and Xiang Yun had no choice but to use force and took Chao'er away.

Chao'er cried loudly in her father's arms: "I want sister, I want sister Mingzhu..."

The Emperor and the Queen Mother who were following Wanyan Jingchen felt extremely distressed when they saw their precious grandson crying so sadly. The Emperor still kept quiet and coaxed him: "Oh, Chao'er, don't cry. Chao'er is good. I'll wait for my grandpa in the future." Help you marry your sister back and let her sleep with you every day..."

In the evening, Nangong Yi and his family lay down on the warm and comfortable big bed to go to bed. Caiwei mentioned the 'Bartering Festival' and said, "Yi, I put a lot of jades and jade in Lingxi last time, and now they have evolved." It's almost done. I plan to use these jades and jade to exchange for some food and, if possible, some gems to keep as a dowry for the pearl in the future.  "

When Caiwei talked about exchanging jade for food, Nangong Yi didn't say anything. When he mentioned exchanging gems for his daughter's dowry, Nangong Yi's face instantly darkened, and he immediately thought of the villain who coveted his precious daughter. The boy said decisively: "There is no need to change. Our daughter is a priceless treasure that is more precious than any gem. Marrying your daughter to them has already made them cheap, and you also bring them a dowry? Humph, they are so beautiful!"

Seeing that Nangong Yi was jealous of her son-in-law, Caiwei thought it was a bit funny: "The jewelry is reserved for our daughter to wear, not for the son-in-law. Besides, if Mingzhu gets married in the future, the son-in-law will be our son. What are you doing?" Why do you act like a black-eyed chicken and already have a grudge against your son-in-law before you can find someone? Are you as naive as you?"

Nangong Yi was ridiculed by Caiwei, and he knew that his behavior was a bit childish, but he couldn't admit that he was wrong, so he hugged his precious daughter and fell asleep...

Early the next morning, Chao'er, accompanied by her grandmother, rushed to the palace where Caiwei and the others lived. When she saw Caiwei, Queen Mother Namuhan smiled guiltily and said, "I didn't bother you, Chao'er." After going back last night, I went to sleep for most of the night. I got up early this morning and had to rush over to see my sister. I heard that you guys were up, so I brought this kid here. Hey, this kid is so stubborn. , his grandfather and I can't control him anymore, there's really nothing we can do about him..."

Mingzhu had just woken up not long ago. She was still wearing the pink pajamas designed by her mother. Her long soft hair was draped behind her head. Her big, clear and bright eyes were not quite awake yet. She sat there cutely and silently, looking like Like a lost deer, Chao'er's little heart was instantly killed. He looked at his sister blankly and felt that he liked her more and more. He liked her even more than he liked his father, queen, mother, and grandparents. .

Nangong Yi had a very bad impression of Chao'er. A man who cried all the time for a little girl was really worthless. While he despised Chao'er, he completely forgot that someone was there when Caiwei disappeared. The man shed tears quietly behind his back.

Although I had a bad impression of Chao'er, my family was living in someone else's territory after all, so I had to give this brat some face, so I agreed with a dark face that my daughter should go play with him.

When Chaoer heard that his uncle, who always had a dark face, agreed to play with his sister, he ran over happily, took Mingzhu's little hand, and said flatteringly: "Sister, I will give you a gift. You You will definitely like it!"

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