Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1922 Mayfair is pregnant (5)

An elderly man, holding a skinny horse, advised: "It is better to lose everything than to lose everything. Young man, don't think that this is the capital, and you can get away with it. There are rich people in the capital." It's a lot, but no one is a fool. What's the use of such a thing? It takes up space. If I don't want to use this turtle shell to fry turtle paste, I'll give it to me for nothing. I'm too lazy to take it. "

It seems that the person speaking is Dr. Kong as everyone calls him. Caiwei squeezed into the crowd, stood in front of the turtle shell, looked at it for a while, and said to the owner of the turtle shell with a smile: "I'll trade with you, but I don't have fifty shi of white rice. I'll trade it with you for jewelry, but Make it happen?"

As she spoke, she took off a pair of exquisitely carved high-quality mutton-fat white jade bracelets from her wrists, took off a jade pendant from her waist, and also took off a necklace of red coral beads on her neck. She also took off her hair. Two golden phoenix hairpins inlaid with rubies and a beaded flower made of pink pearls were handed to the owner of the turtle shell. He smiled and said: "These things are worth about ten thousand silver coins in total. Do you think it is enough?" ?"

The owner of the tortoise shell was dumbfounded. Although he was a low-class person, he still recognized good things. Among the jewelry given to him by his wife, any piece he took out at random was worth more than a thousand silver coins, and some were even worth Thousands of silver coins. The total of these things is definitely more than 10,000 silver coins.

Seeing that he was still stunned, Caiwei took off another pair of diamond earrings from her ears and said with a smile: "There are only so many. If I don't want to change them, please give me a happy word."

She usually doesn't dress up very much, and she doesn't wear so many jewelry. She only wears so many expensive jewelry because she is going to the jewelry store today, and she is afraid that the owner of the jewelry store will look down on her if she dresses too casually. of.

The owner of the tortoise shell finally woke up, nodding his head in joy like a chicken pecking at rice, and kept saying: "Change, change, we will write a document to change now, no one is allowed to regret it." "

The people watching the excitement got excited when they saw that this wolf-like thing had been exchanged for such a large sum, and clamored for the owner of the turtle shell to treat him. Some people saw that the owner of the turtle shell had become rich and hurried away. Please help me find pen and paper.

For a while, the two parties wrote the documents and the delivery was completed. The transaction was considered successful.

The owner of the turtle shell carefully wrapped up the hair jewelry that Caiwei had given him in exchange, stuffed it into his arms, bowed his hands to Caiwei and Nangong Yi, and happily went to a nearby restaurant to treat everyone to a drink. went.

Caiwei knocked on the huge turtle shell, hired an open carriage on the roadside, pulled the turtle shell back to the palace.

On the way, Nangong Yi drove the car and said in confusion: "Madam, is there anything mysterious about that turtle shell? Is it worth spending a lot of money to buy it?"

Caiwei laughed and said, "It's in vain that you have read a lot of poems and books. Haven't you heard that a dragon has nine sons? One of the nine sons is a dragon. Its skin can be used as a drum, and its sound can be heard for hundreds of miles, so it is called a dragon. Drum. When the dragon lives ten thousand years, it sheds this shell and becomes a dragon. This shell has twenty-four ribs. According to the twenty-four Qi in the sky, there is a big bead in the middle section of each rib. If the ribs are not complete, they will become a dragon. If you can't get a dragon, you can't shed its shell. If you try to catch it alive, you can only bulge the skin curtain, but there is nothing in its ribs. Wait until the twenty-four ribs are complete and the beads are full, then you will shed the shell and transform into a dragon and go away. Therefore, it is naturally shed, has the right climate, and has all the ribs and joints, which is different from the one that is caught alive and has not yet reached the end of its lifespan, so it is so big. The shell of this thing can be used as medicine for the turtle immortal, and can also be used to make a bed. The beads are all luminous, and they are priceless treasures! We were lucky enough to find them by chance today, it is really a blessing for us."

Nangong Yi heard this. He had been studying hard since he was a child, but he had learned all the strategies for governing a country and bringing peace to the world. How could he know these things? After being stunned for a long time, he said: "According to what the lady said, there will be a luminous pearl in this turtle shell?"


Caiwei said: "When we go back later, I will take it out and show it to you and you will know."

Back in the palace, Caiwei sent the eunuchs who were guarding the door to help her carry the turtle shell in. After entering the inner room, she opened the turtle shell with her own hands. After a while, she took out a luminous pearl that was about an inch in size. This bead is different from the usual beads. It is not pure white or any other color, but sparkling and dazzling. The color keeps changing. It is impossible to see what color it is. I just feel that it is radiant. It's so shaking that people can't open their eyes.

Caiwei asked the maid for a black plate and placed it in a dark place, but she saw beads rolling around and lighting up the whole room. After taking some small beads and putting them on the plate, I saw the small beads rolling slowly and confidently, gathered next to the big bead, and actually lifted the big bead.

"Oh! What a treasure!"

Nangong Yi was amazed. He had seen many treasures, but this was the first time he had seen beads like this!

He took the bead and looked at it carefully. He saw that the bead was gorgeous and dazzling, with a faint aura of auspiciousness surrounding it. It was heavy in his hand and was very different from those ordinary beads.

Caiwei said, "Just this one, it's more than enough to sell for one hundred thousand taels of silver. If I hadn't bought this turtle shell and saw someone selling such a bead for one hundred thousand taels, I would definitely buy it." After that, she gave Jin Er and Yuer were released from the space, allowing them to admire the beads and the big turtle shell.

Jin'er and Yu'er came out. When they saw the huge turtle shell, they both opened their eyes curiously. Yu'er even pushed the turtle shell with her hands to play with it.

At this time, the palace maid outside came to report that lunch was ready. His Majesty and the Queen invited their family to have lunch. Princess Mingzhu was already there, waiting for them.

After hearing this, Caiwei put the turtle shell into the space and said to Nangong Yi: "Give this bead to Wanyan Jingchen and the others later. After all, I picked it up on someone else's land, and I will buy food in the future." Everything depends on others."

After hearing this, Nangong Yi nodded and said, "That's fine, just listen to my wife."

The two of them decided to put on a pair of clothes, and went to Wanyan Jingchen's palace for a banquet with their two little children...

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