Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1942 Smart little boy (4)

This child was naturally the missing Yu'er. The choking smell hit her little nose. Yu'er woke up and saw him open his eyes. The white-faced fox smiled sinisterly and warned: "I'll remove it from your mouth now." "Bu, if you scream and scream, I will cut out your tongue immediately, do you understand?"

As he spoke, he pulled out a cold dagger from his waist and waved it twice in front of Xi Yu'er's eyes. Seeing the look of horror in Yu'er's big eyes, tears almost falling out, he nodded with satisfaction, He took out the cloth that was blocked from his mouth.

As soon as the cloth was pulled away, Yu'er burst into tears, tears streaming down her face, and said, "Who are you? I want to find my mother. I want to find..."

He choked and shouted twice, but his words were interrupted by a loud slap, and half of his white and tender face suddenly swelled. Yu'er was beaten and immediately stopped crying. Her eyes widened and she shrank her shoulders in fear.

After all, he was a child, and he had been frightened when he saw this scene. He had been praised and praised since he was a child. His father and mother always wanted and asked for him because he was the youngest. No one had ever treated him like this. !

The white-faced fox saw that Yu'er had stopped talking and looked at him in horror with her big wet eyes, and then she felt satisfied. He said: "Whose child are you from? Why are you wearing the clothes of Da Jin people? Are you from Da Jin? What do your parents do? What are you doing here?"

Yu'er timidly said: "I am a child of my parents' family..."

Before she finished speaking, the white-faced fox slapped her again. Yu'er was so frightened that she quickly protected her face and shrank her little body into a ball.

The slap hit Yu'er on the head, and Yu'er was knocked to the ground again. He was so frightened that he started to cry, but he didn't dare to cry out. He could only hold back his sobs and shrug his little shoulders.

"Child, tell me who your father is and why your family wears the clothes of Jin people. If you tell us, we won't beat you. Otherwise, haha... we will skin you alive today." The test was threatening.

"My parents...are..."

Yu'er cried and spoke intermittently: "We are from Dajin. We came here to exchange for food. My parents said that we would go back in exchange for a lot of food..."

"Your father is a grain merchant?" the white-faced fox asked.


Yu'er nodded, still holding her little face with her little hands, her little body was trembling, she was obviously frightened.

"Does your father know the Emperor of our Qingluo Kingdom?"

Yu'er shook her head, her eyes and nose were red, and she sobbed, "I don't know."

After hearing Yu'er's words, the white-faced fox and the boss exchanged glances, and their tense shoulders relaxed a little.

It turned out that this little boy was the child of a grain dealer in Jin Dynasty and had nothing to do with their emperor. They thought he was the child of a noble family.

Dajin produces jade, and many wealthy people also wear mutton-fat jade. Therefore, it is not surprising that this child wears a jade necklace of mutton-fat white jade around his neck. A pampered rich man, at a young age, has not passed The wind and rain fell into their hands. When they were in such a situation, they were scared to death. How could they deceive others?

What's more, if this child is really the son of a prince, shouldn't he shout out at this time to scare and threaten them? Could it be that this child was so smart that he knew in advance that they would kill people and silence them after learning that they were of noble birth? How can this be!

The two of them felt relieved when they thought of this. But he didn't expect that he would actually meet a child with so much intelligence and almost a demon today, and he was destined to fall into the hands of a child. The two of them didn't know that their death was approaching, and they started planning happily.

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