Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1944 Rescue Yu'er (1)

It was already the fourth watch, and the sky was still dark without a trace of light. The village was very quiet, not even the crowing of cocks or the barking of dogs. Because of this, this low roar was very real. The boss also heard it and was very concerned about Scarface. Said: "Go out and see if any wild beast has entered the village. "

After hearing this, Scarface stood up and walked outside. As soon as he walked into the yard, he suddenly saw a white light falling from the sky. When he looked closely, he saw a giant white-haired tiger that was bigger than a horse falling from the sky and pressing down like a collapsing mountain. .

"Oh shit!"

Scarface screamed in fright and jumped up suddenly. When he looked again, the giant white-haired tiger had landed on the ground. A pair of tiger eyes like copper bells stared at him. On the tiger's back, there was a man with a murderous look on his face. Jumping down, his eyes were dark and ferocious, and his whole body exuded a heaven-destroying aura.

A green parrot flew in front of him, quacking, and the man walked towards him step by step, stepping on the remaining snow in the yard.

Scarface was frightened and stayed where he was. Although the man didn't do anything to him, the man's hell-like aura had completely shocked Scarface, as if he had been hit by a body-fixing spell and couldn't move at all.

The man walked up to him, looked at his trembling coward, sneered, flicked his sword sleeve, and a soft sword appeared in his hand at some point. He raised and lowered the sword, his movements almost too fast. It couldn't be seen clearly with the naked eye, but the moment the sword fell, Scarface suddenly threw himself to the ground.

In an instant, the snow foam on the ground and bright red blood filled Scarface's eyes. He was horrified to see a familiar body with a missing head. Blood spurted out from the neck like a fountain, dyeing the snow red. , the body slowly fell backwards...

And the stern man, after chopping off Scarface's head, strode towards the house without stopping for a moment!

The scar-faced old woman heard the noise outside and was about to go out to take a look. Just as she raised the curtain, she saw a tall and cold man barging in. She had seen this man during the day. He was the biological father of the kid she abducted. He was a master who could fight one against ten.

As soon as she saw Nangong Yi, the mother-in-law was so frightened that her legs weakened. She was about to run away, but Nangong Yi grabbed her by the neck and raised her hand to throw her away.


The mother-in-law fell in the yard, bruised and swollen. When she looked up, she suddenly saw her son in the yard with his head missing. The mother-in-law's eyes were red, and she screamed heartbreakingly: "My Son----"

Nangong Yi sneered and said: "Old pig dog, today I will let you taste the pain of losing your son!"

The mother-in-law rolled and crawled on Scarface's body, crying heartbrokenly. Nangong Yi did not deal with her anymore. For a woman, the cruelest punishment is not to kill her, but to kill her in front of her. Killing her child, Scarface's death, would definitely be more painful for the mother-in-law than killing her!

The boss was shocked when he saw Nangong Yi chasing him here. He had seen Nangong Yi's skills during the day, and even with five of them, he couldn't defeat this grain dealer. Seeing that the situation was not good, he hurriedly knelt down and said loudly: "Hero, please spare my life. Everything is fine with the young master. I am willing to hand over the young master. I beg the hero to spare my life."

As he spoke, he kowtowed to Nangong Yi with "dong dong dong". He kowtowed a few times. Suddenly he raised his hand and a flying knife flew out, right into Nangong Yi's heart.

The speed of the dart was very fast, and Nangong Yi's speed was even faster. He raised his hand and caught the dart steadily, with a bloodthirsty smile on his lips.

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