Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1968 Princess Chaohua (4)

Chunqiu said: "My servant also heard that Princess Chaohua was reluctant to meet people in the past. It is said that it was because she found a bad consort. The consort already had a wife before marrying the princess. In order to get married to the dragon and the phoenix, he falsely called himself He married Princess Chaohua before he was married. Later, the Supreme Emperor knew about it. The Supreme Emperor Long Yan was furious and almost killed the consort, because Princess Chaohua was already pregnant with the consort's child at that time, so he had to give up. However, from then on, After that incident, Princess Chaohua didn't see people very much, probably because she was too embarrassed to see people."

After hearing this, Caiwei nodded and said: "I have heard some of these things, but I have forgotten many things in the palace. After you mentioned it, I remembered it. Since everyone is here, let's take care of her first." Please wait for me in the west wing of the fifth room, I will arrive soon."


Chunqiu bowed his knees and responded before retreating.

There are five wing rooms on each side of the back hall of Shouxian Palace. The fifth room in the east is where the three buns learn and play, and it can barely be regarded as a place for them to practice martial arts. The fifth room in the west is a place for entertaining guests, and she often receives guests here. Mrs. Gaoming, the princess, the princess, the princess, the county lord and others who came to the palace to pay their respects to her.

Shouxian Palace is their common home, and she doesn't want outsiders to invade their lives, so the five wing rooms on the west side come in handy.

In addition, there are more than ten enclosed rooms on each side of the palace. The rooms are short and simply furnished. They are the residences of the maids and eunuchs who serve in Shouxian Palace.

Caiwei dressed up again and changed into a yellow phoenix robe, then she held Chunying's hand and went to the west wing.

As soon as they entered, they saw Princess Chaohua sitting awkwardly in the bright hall, twisting her handkerchief, as if thinking about something.

Seeing Caiwei, the eldest princess Chaohua immediately retracted her thoughts, stood up, knelt down and saluted Caiwei, and said, "Chaohua sends my regards to the Queen, may the Queen be blessed with peace."

Caiwei looked at her carefully and found that the eldest princess was a rare beauty. It was said that she looked very much like her mother-in-law. Otherwise, with her mother's humble background, she would not have been able to climb the throne of the Supreme Emperor. The bed gave birth to two children in a row.

The eldest princess Chaohua did not marry a distinguished scholar, but married a second-ranked Jinshi named Chen. It is said that the eldest princess Chaohua took her fancy, and then she asked the late emperor for marriage and married him.

However, what is unexpected is that Chen Jinshi has a wife at home and has been married for more than three years, but the Jinshi did not explain this at the beginning.

After the incident was revealed, the Supreme Emperor was furious and wanted to kill the newly promoted Prince Consort immediately. It was just that Princess Chaohua was already married and had just become pregnant. She begged the Supreme Emperor with tears and runny noses, so the Supreme Emperor bypassed the Prince Consort.

However, although Rao was spared, the Jinshi was completely disliked by the Supreme Emperor. He was only awarded the title of Prince Consort, without any real power, and there was no chance of an official career in the future.

As for his first wife, she was demoted to a concubine by the Supreme Emperor's decree, because no matter who married Chen Jinshi first, a majestic princess of the Jin Dynasty could not be a concubine.

This is probably one of the reasons why Princess Chaoyang stayed behind closed doors after getting married. Of course, another reason was because her younger brother, King Chu, offended Concubine Jin and her son when he was young and frivolous. She was afraid of the revenge of Concubine Jin and the prince. He always complained that he was ill and stayed in the house for more than ten years...

Later, after Nangong Yi ascended the throne, he ordered the pardon of King Chu, and Princess Chaohua felt a little calmer.

However, you have also made another decree. From now on, the princes and princes must be selected from civilians or low-level officials, and the close relatives of the chosen family will no longer be able to serve as officials. This is to prevent the princes, nobles, and ministers from taking advantage of the opportunity. As a royal in-law, he does evil and harms the political power. The Prince Consort Commandery became a false position with only a salary.

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