Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1970 Ignorant Stupid Woman (1)

When Nangong Yi came back, Caiwei informed him of the matter without hesitation. Nangong Yi almost exploded with anger when she learned that Chen He dared to abuse the princess.

Not because of the deep relationship between him and Chaohua, but because Chen He actually abused the royal princess and dared to trample the royal family's face on the ground. He was really audacious and so bold.

"Yang Yong, send someone immediately to investigate what's going on? I want to know as soon as possible what Chen He has done in these years?"

As a great eunuch with eyes and ears, it is not difficult to investigate the dirty things going on in the princess's house. In just one day, it took only one day to find out what Princess Chaohua had suffered in the thirteen years since she married Chen He. The abuse was thoroughly investigated and reported to Nangong Yi.

Nangong Yi only looked at it for a little while before he became so angry that his eyes were splitting with anger.

It's so abominable that this daring and unruly man dared to abuse the princess of the royal family. This trend must be stopped and must not be encouraged. If the common people hear about it, Mingzhu's future husband will also follow suit. He will be furious!

What made him even more angry was that the undisputed Chaohua, as a royal princess, was abused to this extent by a man from a poor background. It was really humiliating to the royal family. In this case, she was no longer worthy of being a princess. .

And Chen He, doesn’t he want to be an official? That's fine, he'll help him, let him be an 'official' for a time, and have a taste of what it's like to be an official...

In Princess Chaohua's mansion, Chen He, who is about to face a disaster, does not know that his death is coming. He is playing chess with one of his favorite concubines, Zixuan.

Zixuan was born in a brothel. Before she met Chen He, she had been kept by seven or eight men. She was a famous prostitute in the capital. After Chen He prostituted her once, he regarded her as his confidant and completely fell under her pomegranate skirt. , without hesitation took a large sum of money from Princess Chaohua to redeem Zixuan's body.

Zixuan is an arrogant woman who doesn't know the importance of things when she succeeds. When she first entered the princess's house, she was cautious and respectful towards Princess Chaohua. However, when she saw how Chen He treated Chaohua, Chaohua was a person who could only tolerate it. After giving in and swallowing her anger, the stupid woman gradually became more and more unbridled.

Not only did he not take Princess Chaohua seriously, he didn't even bother to say a courtesy when they met, but he also had the idea of ​​using Princess Chaohua's private treasury.

Although Princess Chaohua was not favored, her mother was of low status and died young, but her status as a princess was there.

As a princess, she had an annual salary of two thousand dan. The jewelry, silks, satin, food and drink, and rewards distributed by the palace during the four seasons and eight festivals filled her private treasury. When she got married, the emperor also gave her a The rich land, large amounts of gold, silver, jade, jewelry, slaves, etc. can be said to be rich and unparalleled. No wonder Zixuan, the shallow-sighted prostitute, is worried about her.

Relying on her favor, Zixuan unexpectedly wanted to control Princess Chaohua's private treasury. When playing chess with Chen He, she deliberately said: "Sir, how are you doing with Princess Chaohua's request to the Queen?"

When Chen He heard his concubine mention this matter, he pinched the chess piece in his hand and said with hatred: "Don't mention it, I will get angry whenever I mention this matter. That bitch who can't hold up the wall with mud is dragging me down." I've been waiting for so long, but I didn't even dare to tell the Queen. I'm really pissed off."

After hearing this, Zixuan pretended to be angry and said, "I am married to her, and I lost my official career because of her. Why shouldn't she help me?"

Being provoked by his concubine, Chen He suddenly became angry and angrily said to a girl who was waiting on the side: "Go, call that bitch to me, I want to question her!" "

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