Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1995 Destined to meet thousands of miles away (5)

After being reminded by Uncle Mu, Ni Loach regretted his mistake and hurriedly added: "Our village now has a free school, so the kids don't have to go to other towns to study, and they don't have to worry about not being able to pay for school..."

I didn't shy away from matters at my uncle's house. I asked Nili calmly, "What's going on with my big house now? Where do I live now?"

After hearing my question, Niliu hurriedly looked back at his third uncle and the clan leader. Seeing them nodding, he turned back to me and said, "Wen'er, your grandma died a long time ago, and your uncle went crazy more than ten years ago." Yes, I accidentally beat your aunt to death last year. When the river opened up this spring, your uncle accidentally fell into the river and drowned. Now your two cousins ​​are the only ones left in the family, but they are both in poor health. , I can’t do the crop work, and I have been relying on the help of the villagers for these years, and I am very depressed!"

Hearing that their family got what they deserved, I no longer dwelled on the crimes they had committed against us in the past. Although Mu Chongcai and Mu Chongfu are still alive, they are just alive, and it is no longer worthy of me to do anything to them.

My third uncle enthusiastically invited me to be a guest at his home. Fortunately, I had not eaten yet, so I readily agreed.

When we arrived at Third Uncle's house, Third Aunt greeted me. She could no longer recognize me. After Third Uncle introduced her, Third Aunt actually started crying excitedly and rambled on about many embarrassing things that happened to our siblings when they were young...

A teenage girl was timidly hiding in the house. My third uncle called her out and asked her to come and see me and call me uncle.

This little girl is called Sister Mu Xi, and she is the daughter of Sister Cailian. Sister Cailian died of hemorrhage when giving birth to her.

After the death of sister Cailian, Ji Wanfu and his son took away all the property of the third uncle's family and fled. Sister Xi was raised by the third uncle and third aunt. Now she has been betrothed to Brother Jiujin who owns a restaurant in the town. My son will get married in two years.

Because of my arrival, the villagers were afraid that Third Uncle's house would not have enough food for the guests, so many people took the initiative to bring chickens, ducks, eggs, vegetables and other items, and several women came over to help Third Aunt clean up.

The clan leader and my third uncle sat in the main room and talked with me. Some clan elders also rushed over and sat there asking me questions. While we were talking, I overheard that they were holding a clan meeting tonight. When I asked, I found out that it turned out that since the imperial edict was uploaded a few months ago to reduce or reduce the excessive taxes and miscellaneous taxes for the people of Mujia Village throughout the year for the Queen's Thousand Autumn Festival, everyone has just Knowing that the current empress is really the eldest daughter of a scholar family, no one believed her when Mu Laosan told her about it before.

The birth of a queen in the village was a great event. The people in Mujia Village were extremely proud, and Mujia Village naturally became a phoenix nest.

The clan leader felt that since the village was a phoenix nest, it should not be managed like other villages, so he called the men from each family together to discuss it. In the end, everyone decided that the clan would have fields to farm together and food to eat. , a communist system where everyone has money and clothes, and grains, rice, vegetables, money, etc. are distributed to everyone every once in a while to show that they are different from other villages.

I had nothing to do, so I came up with the idea of ​​going to the clan meeting. After dinner, I walked with the clan elders to the ancestral hall at the west end of the village.

When we arrived at the ancestral hall, we saw tribesmen sitting neatly on benches and long tables. At clan meetings, families usually send representatives, and sometimes all the families are present. Every time people discuss it, they can put forward many opinions.

Everyone sat up straight, and the village wife poured tea for everyone. In a corner of the ancestral hall, there were bags of rice, bundles of vegetables, and baskets of eggs.

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