Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1997 Destined to meet thousands of miles away (7)

During this period, Dong Qi kept exchanging letters with me. He invited me several times to visit Tongzhou, claiming that it was like spring all year round and the scenery was pleasant, making it a paradise on earth.

In those few years, I had been busy with my studies and practicing martial arts, and I couldn't get away. Now that I have some free time, I went there. It can be regarded as fulfilling my dream of traveling to the south of the Yangtze River!

Dong Qi's grandfather was the Shaoqing of Dali Temple, and his father was a well-known romantic talent in the capital when he was young. He was extremely handsome and liked to recite poems, compose poems, and make makeup and powder. He had countless confidants in the Chuguan brothel in the capital. Later, after marrying the eldest princess Chaoqing, because the eldest princess Chaoqing was jealous and domineering, the couple fought several times, and he lost. From then on, he stopped thinking and became a good husband at home behind closed doors. .

Dong Qi has an easy-going temperament, unlike his father who is unconventional, and unlike his mother who is domineering and unreasonable, so I have a good relationship with him.  When I rushed to Tongzhou Prefecture to find him, he was very happy. He cleaned an elegant courtyard in his residence and arranged for me to live there.

The courtyard where I live is called "Tingyu Zhai" because it rains a lot in the south, and this courtyard is surrounded by water on three sides. Every time it rains, the sound of rainwater falling into the lake will be extremely clear, so it is named Tingyuzhai!

I lived in Dong's house. During this period, Dong Qi invited me to visit Tongzhou's gardens, landscapes, ancient temples, and famous temples from time to time. My days were very leisurely. In the blink of an eye, it was already November. One day, it was Dong Qi. My mother came to celebrate the birthday of the eldest princess, and I was a guest at their house. Although I didn't want to in my heart, I had to go and pay my respects to the eldest princess.

When he was celebrating his birthday, he found that his employer’s garden was filled with ladies and young ladies, most of whom were the female dependents of the Tongzhou Prefecture. Although Dong Qi’s father was just a prince-in-law, his grandfather was indeed a high-ranking official in the court. Members, and Princess Chaoqing’s status as a princess is enough for them to come and flatter her!

During our visit, Princess Chaoqing was very kind to me, very elder-like, and not at all arrogant and domineering as is rumored. She also considerately introduced me to the ladies present. When the ladies here saw me, they They all praised me as a good young man with good looks and good manners.

Just as everyone was sparing no effort to praise me, a woman covered in dirt and disheveled hair suddenly rushed out from the side. The woman ran and cried, and shouted to Princess Chaoqing: "Mother, save me, Mother Niu wants to save me." Kill the child!"

The ladies present were all shocked, who is this girl? Why is he so embarrassed, yet he calls Grand Duke Chaoqing his mother?

An old nun beside Zhu, the eldest son of Chaoqing, stepped forward to stop the girl and said angrily: "Where is the lunatic who dares to act up at the birthday banquet of Her Royal Highness the Princess? Why don't you tie her up?"

As soon as he finished speaking, a group of maids and women immediately rushed up and grabbed the girl like a bird. They gagged her, twisted her arms, and tightly captured the weak girl.

At this time, a plainly dressed old woman ran over and pushed and beat the group of maids and women who were holding the girl like crazy, crying and cursing: "God damn you, the third girl is considered a concubine." , after all, she is also the flesh and blood of the consort, how could you treat her like this?"

As soon as she finished speaking, the eldest princess of Chaoqing said in shock: "Mr. Zhang, what did you say? Could it be that... could she be... Quick, please brush her hair up so that I can see her face?"

After hearing the eldest princess's order, one of the people who grabbed the girl stretched out his hand and brushed the girl's hair in front of her face, revealing the girl's delicate and delicate face.

When the eldest princess saw the girl's face, she immediately covered her chest and screamed tremblingly: "My son, who ruined you into this!"

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