Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 1999 Meeting late at night (2)

After listening to her eldest daughter's advice, the eldest princess Chaoqing finally stopped being so angry. She patted the concubine on the back and comforted her softly: "It's all my mother's fault. She thinks these slaves are all old people in the family. I usually don't restrain them much, but I never thought that I would raise them up and do such a rebellious thing. My son is wronged. In the evening, my mother will make the decision for you and clean up the screwdriver ruthlessly. You are a dog that looks down on people, but you are just a slave to vent your anger on your behalf. Now that my son is observing his filial piety, it is not appropriate to stay here. Go back first. Mother will send someone to bring food and drink to your siblings later. "

After listening to Princess Chaoqing's words, the concubine obediently wiped her tears and said softly: "Yes, my daughter is resigning." After saying that, she stood up holding Grandma Zhang's hand and slowly stepped back. go.

The master and servant walked very slowly, and when they were about to get out of my sight, there was a sudden cry: "Stop!"

I was startled and forgot about it, but I saw a girl wearing a rose-pink woven flowered jacket walking over with a well-dressed woman. The girl had an angry look on her face and stared at the concubine with sharp eyes. , as if he wanted to tear her apart.

The third girl shrank and said timidly: "Second little sister... no, second sister, your name is Lian'er... are you okay?"

The girl in the rose-pink jacket was Dong Qing'er, the second daughter of the Dong family. At this moment, she had strode up to the third girl and said angrily: "I asked Aunt Niu just now, is it right?" You deliberately ran to the kitchen to provoke you. She didn't hit you or threaten you at all. You came out like this during my mother's birthday party. You clearly had ulterior motives and wanted to ruin my mother's reputation. Who gave you the courage? ?Why are you doing this?"

Aunt Niu was also sneaking aside and howling: "Miss Third, you really killed this slave. How dare I beat you? You wrongfully accused me in front of so many ladies and ladies. I will suffer." It's okay to feel wronged, but it's your fault for ruining the eldest princess's reputation as a virtuous person. The eldest princess treats you so well, and she is your mother, how could you do such a chilling thing?"

"I didn't lie. I really didn't lie. It was Grandma Niu who wanted to kill me. Really..."

The third girl shook her head while resolutely denying what the second lady and Aunt Niu said. She was afraid that others would not believe her, so she rolled up her sleeves in a panic to show everyone the wounds on her body.

How could I easily look at my daughter’s body? The moment she rolled up her sleeves, I hurriedly turned my head, but I heard the gasps and exclamations of all the ladies and ladies present.


Princess Chaoqing shouted loudly and shouted in panic and guilt: "You are a noble young lady, how can you expose yourself in front of outsiders casually? Quickly, take off the third lady's clothes and take her with you." Go back to your room and rest!"

The girls and women who were waiting for Princess Chaoqing heard her voice and hurriedly swarmed up, held down her arms, and pulled the three girls away.

"I didn't lie, I really didn't lie..."

The third girl shouted as she was pulled down by the maids and women!

Dong Qi sighed and said: "Brother Mu, the back house is restless, I am making you laugh!"

I can't say anything about the affairs of other people's back houses, but in my heart I admire this little concubine. A weaker boudoir daughter actually dares to confront Princess Chaoqing. She is really courageous.

Moreover, he is not only courageous but also scheming.

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