Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 2031: Marrying a Wife for My Son, Second Update (3)

Firstly, it is because the old people in the county have recognized the old brand of Huiyanzhai. Secondly, the rouge made by Yanran is made of high-quality flowers and plants, and the cost is much higher than that of casual rouge, so since its sale, , no one cares about it.

Yanran was very angry about this. When she saw the customers coming, she personally stepped forward to introduce and sell them. However, it had no effect. Everyone had identified the old brand of Huiyanzhai and wanted them to accept a brand that was more expensive than the original Rouge. It is indeed difficult to apply rouge several times without knowing how effective it will be.

On this day, Yanran was settling accounts at the counter. A very elegant-looking carriage stopped in front of Wenyan Pavilion. The curtain opened and a well-dressed young woman walked out. The young woman was about thirty years old. Although she is not as well dressed as the female relatives of high-ranking officials in the capital, she is still wearing a double-sided embroidered silk jacket made of good material, and a lake blue horse-faced skirt. She is accompanied by a maid. She looks like she belongs to a wealthy family in the county. Mistress.

The young woman is very beautiful with delicate features. Although her facial features are not perfect, she can't find any major faults. Her complexion is fair and fair, and there are no blemishes.

"Madam, please, the shop has newly made blush, bronzer, various balms, hair oils, etc. What would you like to buy, madam?"

The young woman covered her mouth with a handkerchief and coughed. She quickly glanced at the female waiter and said nothing, but her face turned red.

It’s just buying rouge and gouache, it’s not something shameful, so why be shy?

Adhering to the principle of not letting go of a single guest, Yanran walked up to the young woman and said with a smile: "What would you like, madam? Why don't you follow me upstairs for a cup of tea and let's talk slowly."

"Yes, we have several new products in our store. They are top-quality products made from fresh flowers and herbs in the season. They are much better than those sold by other dealers. Only beauties like you can use them. Others are coming to us. I don’t recommend it yet.” The female waiter said sweetly to Yan Ran’s side.

Women don't want to hear nice words. As soon as the offer was made, the young woman was moved and followed Yanran upstairs to drink tea.

When the two were sitting together, Yanran suddenly smelled a strong and pungent smell. She was startled for a moment. It was not unusual for a woman to have fragrance on her body, but this young woman's body fragrance was so strong that it almost smelled strange. , as if the summer rice went rancid.

The two started chatting in the private room on the second floor.

Unexpectedly, this young woman was the wife of the magistrate of Nong'an County, Ge Shi.

The county magistrate's wife took her maid to the streets to buy things? Yanran is even more strange.

Seeing that there was no one around, Ge Shi said in a low voice: "To be honest, I want to buy some fragrant lotion for my body today."

Fragrance? It’s not a strange thing, so why is this Gurdjieff hesitant to move forward? She still looked ashamed, what kind of fragrance did she want?

Seeing Yanran's confusion, Ge's cheeks turned red to the root of his neck. He looked at the maid next to him and confided an embarrassing personal matter: "I have body odor. This problem has not been cured for many years. I have been using incense." Rub the armpits with dew. It used to be okay, but now in the past two years, the symptoms have become more and more serious, and ordinary aromatherapy and fragrant dew can’t suppress it. I went out today to see if there is anything suitable. ,Can……"

Yanran suddenly realized that no wonder she smelled a strong fragrance from Ge Shi's body. She must have used heavy spices to suppress the body odor. In fact, this is a misunderstanding. Most of the problems under the armpits are due to blocked sweat glands. If the fragrance is too strong, it will produce a strange smell that makes people close to you uncomfortable smelling it.

Seeing that she had a very good appearance, but no one was perfect, and she had such an unspeakable private problem, Yan Ran thought about it and said, "In that case, Madam, you might as well try it with Peach Blossom Cold Fragrance Powder first."

Most of the incense used by Gurdjieff has strong fragrances such as roses. When he heard peach blossoms, he frowned: "Peach blossoms have a light smell. Will this work..."

Yan Ran said: "The strong fragrance is effective for a short period of time. Over time, the smell will change and turn into a rancid smell. It is better to restrain it with elegance. Peach Blossom Cold Fragrance Powder is in powder form. Madam can use a small soft wool brush to dab a little on the affected area each time." , it is dry and cleansing, unlike ordinary fragrances that are greasy and can sometimes leave marks on the armpits, which is unsightly and can also prevent sweat from being discharged."

Although Ge Shi was a little suspicious, he had no other solution. This problem was really annoying. When it got serious, he couldn't even attend banquets. Every time he talked to others, he had to endure the unbearable looks on other people's faces. This kind of embarrassment The taste cannot be experienced by others.

Hey, let's use it first. After thanking her, she asked her maid to go to the counter to pay the bill. Yanran suddenly asked: "The cold incense powder is just a symptom. Have you ever thought about treating the root cause?"

"It's easy to say, why don't you think about it? Our wife also went to the drugstore to buy some medicine that disperses wind and sweat, and is fragrant to prevent dirt. We have tried it for patching, eating, and washing, but it doesn't work." The little maid interrupted.

Yan Ran said: "I have a private ancient prescription here, called Anxiang Pill, which is taken orally. After taking the prescription for fifteen days, some effects will begin. Depending on the severity of the problem, there will be different effects after thirty days or more." The effect is to a certain extent. I don’t know if Madam is willing to try it, but it will take about a day to do it."

Ge Shi was shocked, would this girl's prescription work? Even the doctors in the medical clinic couldn't cure this problem. Moreover, it could be made in one day. It shouldn't be a precious medicinal material, but he held on to a glimmer of hope. : "Then I'm sorry to bother you, miss. I'll ask my maid to pick it up at noon the day after tomorrow."

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