Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 2055 Zen Position (3)

The few maids serving Caiwei now were selected in the draft five years ago. They should be regarded as the third generation of maids around Caiwei. In the past few years after entering the palace, they have been with the Queen. Not only did they learn how to behave, but like other palace maids, they also attended classes and studied regularly every day. They learned a lot of cultural knowledge, enriched their hearts, and accumulated a lot of wealth. With these, they will be successful in the rest of their lives. No need to worry.

Everyone knows the benefits of becoming a palace maid, and they all know that the queen's maids will be sent home. Nowadays, many people are worried about their daughter being able to be a maid by Caiwei's side. Looking for connections and running around in activities, there are also many families who, in order to marry the daughter-in-law of a big palace lady who is close to Caiwei, have early made arrangements with the natal families of these big palace ladies to get their sons engaged!

No more gossip

Time passed quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it was the day of Jin'er and Yu'er's wedding.

Before that, Xianbei and Mengnu had escorted the two brides-to-be to Jin Dynasty, and they both lived in the palace in the southern suburbs of the capital.

Qingcheng became the future crown princess of the Jin Kingdom, bringing with her a rich dowry that matched her status. Although she was only a princess of a vassal country, she could not stand the wealth of her father, the princess, and her concubine. In these years, Tuoba Liang and the court The Yun couple joined hands to expand their business to eight neighboring countries. Under their leadership, the Mengnu were no longer the remote and ignorant nomads they had been in the past, but a small country with a very developed economy and culture, and the ancient system of circumcision and burial. It has been abolished long ago. People are becoming more and more open-minded and their lifestyles are becoming more and more Jin-style.

Tuoba Liang and Chaoyun are rich men, so they will not treat their only daughter badly. In addition to the gold and silver brought by the truckload, there are also countless rare treasures in the dowry, which is almost half of the national treasury of Jin Dynasty. So much.

The legitimate princess of Xianbei, He Lanmin, also had a large dowry. King He Lanhao and Queen Chaogui of Xianbei Kingdom, fearing that their precious daughter would be outclassed by the wealthy Princess Qingcheng, dug out all their belongings and put them in the treasury. He took out the princess's share of the dowry, packed hundreds of carriages in a grand manner, and married her daughter off in a glorious way.

On the day of the wedding, the whole nation of Jin Dynasty celebrated. Nangong Yi issued a decree to grant amnesty to the whole country and exempted the people from one year of corvee service to celebrate the two princes marrying their concubines.

Crown Princess Qingcheng has a gentle and gentle temperament. Unlike her mother-in-law, she has no independent opinions and is simple and kind-hearted. Such a personality is not suitable for entering the middle palace, but Jin'er likes her and says that she likes her. Her shy and shy temperament makes her easy to bully. He himself is a strong and domineering man and does not like women with strong personalities. Qingcheng's soft and cute personality is very suitable for him. In addition, Qingcheng's status is valuable, so she can match him and do the job. His queen therefore petitioned her father, queen and mother to hire Qingcheng to be his crown princess.

He Lanmin and Yu'er became acquainted because of their medical skills. He Lanmin was obsessed with medical skills since she was a child. She heard about the excellent medical skills of the judge Yao of the Guotai Hospital in Dajin. She had been trying hard to win over her parents for several years. Queen Chaogui finally agreed to let her come to Dajin to follow her. Yao Yuanjing studied medicine.

It was in the process of studying medicine that He Lanmin met Nangong Yu, who was also obsessed with medical skills. The two often studied, discussed, and argued together, and gradually fell in love with each other. Although He Lanmin was not the kind of pretty woman, Nangong Jin still had no hesitation. fell in love with her.

Both his father and mother were open-minded and sensible, and He Lanmin was gentle and sensible, so they agreed immediately and immediately sent envoys with valuable gifts to Xianbei to propose marriage.

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