Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 2061 Wu'er's thoughts (5)

When Mrs. Du heard this, she immediately straightened her face and said, "You don't have to earn a bride price when you get a wife, and you don't have to cook or wash clothes when you get married. How can you be tired? There are three kinds of unfilial piety. The greatest is not having an heir. The son of Uncle Wu Qing's family You are only seventeen years old this year, and you are already the father of two children. How old are you? You are twenty-two years old, and you still don’t even have a family, let alone spread your business and continue your incense. Don’t you be ashamed? Are you panicking? Which son of a serious family doesn't have a family in his twenties? Are you worthy of the ancestors of the Mu family for being such a fool?"

As soon as he heard that his mother had carried out all his ancestors, Chongwu immediately sweated and argued: "Mother, it's not that my son can't get married, he just doesn't want to get married now. My brother didn't get married until he was twenty-five years old. My son wants to learn elder brother. "

"Don't, please don't..."

Du interrupted Chongwu and said, "You can learn from your brother in everything, but don't learn from him about starting a family late. I think it was because he refused to start a family that my mother almost got mad at him. If you do the same thing, you brothers That’s unfilial. "

Chongwu really didn't want to start a family, but he saw that he couldn't resist his mother, so he delayed and said: "How about this, my mother will try to let me meet the Zhang family lady in person. If my son is interested in it, I will let my father and mother arrange it; if If she doesn't suit her son's eyes, even if she obeys the orders of the two elders and marries her, it will be difficult for the two of them to live together wholeheartedly. It's better to pay attention and slowly choose the one that suits your needs."

"Sure, it's settled!"

Mrs. Du was very relieved about Miss Zhang's appearance. When she heard that Chongwu was willing to come and see her, she agreed immediately. "It just so happens that next month is my birthday, so I used this as an excuse to invite Miss Zhang's family to come to my house. You can have a sneak peek, and I guarantee you'll be satisfied. I won't lie to you again..."

Chongwu reluctantly agreed. Even if he agreed, it was just a delaying tactic. He had already thought about it. After his mother's birthday, he would follow his elder brother's example and leave home to travel. He would come back when he had enough travels. By then, Miss Zhang's family and Miss Wang's family would have been married long ago, and his mother would be just like him. I won’t push myself anymore.

The next day, Chongwu did not go to Wan'er's place. He just sent a boy to talk to him, while he went to a classmate's house to discuss traveling together with him.

On this day, he originally promised Wan'er to come over for lunch. Wan'er got up early in the morning and worked on the lunch. She bought fish and made soup. After working for a long time, she waited for a boy to come and tell her that he would not be there. When he came, Wan'er felt disappointed. Disappointed, she began to ask why he didn't come and where he went. What did you do?

The young man was a young boy who had just become a father-in-law and had no scheming ideas. Seeing that Miss Wan'er had always been gentle and pleasant, she always asked him questions. When she asked, he told him that the young master was forced to get married by his family and planned to travel for a few years. The son said it all at once.

When Wan'er heard that Chongwu's family was forcing a marriage and that he was going to travel for a few years, her heart suddenly became cold. After the servant left, she anxiously said to her nanny: "Nanny, didn't you say he would fall in love with me? But now His family forced a marriage, but he didn't even mention me. What should I do? If he leaves, won't my previous sins be in vain? "

The wet nurse said with a sullen face: "Girl, what are you in a hurry for? Hasn't the Second Young Master left yet? As long as he is still in the capital, there will be a way to change things. Even if he doesn't mention you now, it doesn't mean that he cares about you." Don't you feel it? Don't you notice? He comes to us more and more frequently. What does this mean? It means that he has put you in his heart and has begun to pay attention to you. As long as you seize the opportunity and let him go before he leaves, He wants you, and with Mr. Mu’s character, he will definitely be responsible for you."

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