Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 307 The Marriage of the Two Countries, Second Update (1)

Looking at the arrogant and wanton smile of the prairie wolf, Caiwei thought of her unconscious father lying on the hospital bed, her mother in tears, and her panicked brothers and sisters. She couldn't help but feel angry. If he hadn't caused trouble, she would have had to How could her father be kicked and injured when she was drinking with him? Although he was not the murderer, he was still to blame.

Caiwei also looked at him with a smile, her eyes were cold, and she slowly gave him a thumbs up. Saknu was stunned, and just as he didn't know what she meant, Caiwei suddenly gave him a thumbs up. He turned over, looked at him with disdain, turned and left.

Saknu was stunned for a moment, and then burst into laughter!

Caiwei ignored his wild laughter and walked away. This savage man was too dangerous. If there were no family around, she might have a fight with him, but now she was in a different place, dragging her family with her. The mouth is really not suitable for causing trouble, so as not to implicate the family again.

Thinking about it, she quickened her pace and was walking quickly. Suddenly, there was a rapid sound of horse hooves behind her. Caiwei subconsciously turned her head and saw a dark horse galloping towards her. Above, Saknu from the Liaodan Kingdom was lying half-crouched, like an agile cheetah, with his deep eyes shining with the excitement of a cheetah when hunting. One hand was holding the reins, and the other was already grabbing for her.

Caiwei was startled and jumped up and was about to fight back when Saknu had already taken the lead and grabbed her belt and carried her onto the horse.

"oh oh----"

The group of Liaodan people cheered, holding up the scimitars at their waists, as if celebrating after returning from hunting.

Saknu laughed loudly, holding Caiwei in one hand, placing her across his lap, and holding the reins in the other hand to gallop forward.

He looked down at Caiwei and declared arrogantly.

"Woman, you are mine!"

Caiwei was lying across his muscular thighs, her skin and flesh were sore. The horses were galloping, and the shops on both sides were retreating rapidly. The wind whistled in her ears. Caiwei couldn't help but become afraid and closed her eyes tightly. , instinctively grabbed the lapel of his robe, holding on tightly. If one of them didn't grasp it firmly and fell, he would be disabled!

Saknu liked the feeling of being held by her little hand. The little hand was like a kitten's paw. It was soft and seemed to have no strength, but it could pull the snow wolf fur in front of his clothes tightly. Yes, the more the horse bumped, the tighter she tightened her grip.

It can be seen that she is scared, her porcelain white face is getting paler, her shiny little mouth is pursed tightly, her eyes are closed, her eyelids are trembling slightly, and her long eyelashes are like two small fans. It seemed to be trembling, and two shadows appeared under the eyes.

Faced with such stunning beauty, Saknu couldn't help but slow down his horse, not wanting to frighten the little beauty anymore.

Caiwei felt that the wind in her ears had subsided, so she slowly opened her eyes. At a glance, she saw Saknu pulling the corners of his mouth, looking at her with a condescending smile, and his big iron-like hands clamped her tightly. Her waist was so slender that it almost crushed her.


Caiwei shouted, her white face turning red again because of her anger and irritation.

Saknu stopped, looked at the girl with a fierce expression, pinched Caiwei's face with a big hand, and said intoxicatedly: "Woman, you are beautiful!"

Caiwei was so angry that she grabbed his collar and threw him to the ground.

She exerted all her strength, but the man sat motionless on the horse, not even swaying.

"You can't beat me!" he said.

Caiwei sneered: "I haven't beaten you yet, how do you know I can't beat you!"

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