Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 311 Xiaoyao Villa (3)

"Wait a moment!"

She shouted. At this moment, her parents and Fei'er Wen'er and Wu'er were on guard and were about to step forward to fight the group of Liaodan people. The group of Liaodan people also showed their arms and rolled up their sleeves and planned to step forward to grab them. people.

"I will go with you, but you are not allowed to hurt my family!" she said calmly.

"Hahaha... the girl is really sensible, much smarter than your parents!"

The bearded man laughed and waved his hand, causing all the Liaodan people who were about to step forward to snatch people to retreat.

Du Shi became anxious and grabbed her, crying: "Weier, you are crazy. Do you know that once you leave, you will never come back? Even if you come back, you will be destroyed..." After saying that, I burst into tears.

Mu Zhongqing held his chest, got up panting, and said intermittently: "I... will never... allow you... to go,... never..."

Fei'er and Wen'er and Wu'er both surrounded Caiwei, sobbing and crying: "Sister, don't go..."

This feeling, which was like parting from life and death, made Caiwei feel bad all over. She said to them calmly: "Don't worry, I will be fine. Have you forgotten that I once practiced with an expert from outside the world?" Yes, ordinary people will not hurt me. I will go and make it clear to their master, and they will come back safely..."

Mu Zhongqing and Mrs. Du were dubious about her statement. Secretly, they did not want their daughter to go, but they were not stupid. They knew that they could not change the outcome of the matter. In the end, they had no choice but to endure the pain and watch their daughter go with them. Those barbaric Liaodan people are gone...

As soon as she arrived outside, Caiwei was immediately glad that she had made such a decision, because outside the door of the medical center, there were dozens of tall horses, and each horse was riding this extremely sturdy Liaodan man. They are waiting for her with eager eyes. If she really takes action against them, she will definitely suffer a loss, and may even affect her family and the doctor's work in the medical clinic.

In the middle of the group of horses, there was a carriage decorated with gold and jade jewelry. The colorful gems on it were dazzling. The carriage was so luxurious that it was jaw-dropping. Caiwei walked over and got into the carriage without any objection.

The carriage is spacious and comfortable, just as luxurious as the outside. There is a narrow couch that you can lie down and sleep on. It is covered with a rare red fox fur blanket. Next to the couch is a small table made of golden nanmu. On the table, there are pure gold and precious stones. There are wine bottles and wine glasses, and on the walls of the carriage, there are layers of Duobao Pavilions. There are no precious antiques and jades on them like other carriages, but many happy Buddhas in different poses. The lifelike Buddha of Joy was made according to the proportion of a real person, except for the most important parts. Caiwei felt ashamed, annoyed, angry and hateful, and concluded that this car must be that of the barbarian and his daughter. A place to fool around!

The car drove for a long time and finally stopped.

Outside, a man muttered something in Liaodan language, so Caiwei was invited out of the car and transferred to a small sedan carried by four women.

Only then did Caiwei realize that there was a magnificent mansion.

A complete Jin-style building, it was much more majestic than any other house she had ever seen.

She got into the sedan chair and walked tremblingly in the house. After walking for a while, the sedan chair was put down. A woman opened the sedan curtain and said with a smile: "Girl, we're here, come down quickly!" "

With that said, he stretched out his hand to help Caiwei out of the small sedan and put her into an elegant small room.

The cabin was as warm as spring, with a pleasant fragrance. There were many flowers placed on the windowsill and table. The big bed in the room was covered with a fluffy fox fur blanket, and layers of pink gauze were hung on the bed.

A woman smiled ambiguously and said, "Girl, the bath water is ready. Girl, come with me quickly. I will help you wash yourself. The master will be here soon."

Caiwei understood the profound meaning of this sentence.

However, she had no intention of washing herself and serving it to others to eat. That barbarian dared to send people to play tricks on her family. If she didn't come to teach him a lesson, it would look like she was being bullied too much. .

So, Caiwei sat lazily on the couch and said with a smile, "No, I don't want to wash."

The mother-in-law advised: "Girl, you'd better wash up. My master is a mysophobic person. Before he favors that woman, he must wash and test her personally. Only then can he be happy with her!"

When Caiwei heard this, she found it incredible. The barbarian looked rough, but in fact he was such a picky eater. It didn't matter if he had been washed, he had to be tested. She didn't know what he wanted to test?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but laugh sarcastically: "What test? Gender? Are you afraid that a man will sneak in and assassinate him?"

The mother-in-law said with a smile: "Girls are really good at joking. Our master is King Kong of Liaodan. He is invincible in the world. Who dares to assassinate him? What I want to test is whether these girls who are waiting for the blessing are good." Is it a perfect body? Is the birth canal tight and moist, is the body well-proportioned and perfect, is the body fragrant and pleasant..."


Caiwei almost burst out laughing. This barbarian thought he was the emperor, and the women he snatched had to be inspected, and they had to meet such harsh conditions before they could sleep in his bed!


Caiwei couldn't help but spit on her: "Mommy, what if you don't meet your master's conditions? Can I save her and put her back?"

"No, a girl who enters Xiaoyao Villa will never be able to leave unless she dies. If a girl does not meet the master's standards, it means that she is not good enough and is not worthy of serving the master, so the master will give it to his subordinates to play with. They usually die miserably!"

The old woman replied calmly.

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