Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 319 Being spanked (2)

Saknu's mother was soft-hearted and couldn't stand it anymore. She advised: "There is nothing worth getting angry about. Maybe the girl is smart and escaped. We just need to send someone to her home to take a look." I know, if she really runs back and someone asks her to come back with nice words, my mother will tell her personally..."

After listening to his mother's suggestion, Saknu's dark face suddenly smiled sinisterly, as if he was very happy. He said to the guard on the ground: "Go, go to the place where the woman lives, and see if she has come back. If she goes back, bring her back to me. If she doesn't go back, haha, just bring her family to me. I don't believe she won't come back to me obediently..."

After hearing this, Caiwei's heart couldn't help but thump. Her father was still injured. If he was caught by these wolf-like Liaodan people, wouldn't it make his illness worse and make matters worse? They are all very beautiful. When the Liaodan people arrested them, they couldn't take advantage of them. Fei'er is a girl as pure as a piece of paper. If she experienced such a dirty thing, she would definitely... Those who left a shadow in my heart include Wen'er and Wu'er. The two little boys are both stubborn and will definitely resist when they are caught. What would happen if they were injured by those beast-like Liaodan people?

Thinking about it, she felt very uneasy in her heart. While cursing Saknu for the inhuman bastard, she resented his white lotus-like mother for her evil ideas.

The guard on the ground was overjoyed to see that his master did not blame him deeply and even assigned him a task. According to the etiquette of the Jin Dynasty, he kowtowed to his wife respectfully and walked out happily.

Caiwei couldn't wait any longer. If her parents and family were caught by them and humiliated by them, she would rather bear the revenge of this beast herself.

So, when the guard was walking out happily, he just turned around the screen and saw the young woman appearing in front of him.

"you you you……"

He pointed at her sudden appearance and was speechless in surprise. He couldn't understand how this woman could be hiding in his wife's room, and hiding behind a screen where people were coming and going, and no one had discovered her!

"Who's talking outside?"

The guard's trembling "You, you, you" reached the inner room. The lady sat on a chair in the inner room, leaning forward, looking outside, and asked.

The guard shouted excitedly: "Madam, Master, I have found the girl I was looking for..."

As soon as he finished speaking, a gust of wind came over, and in an instant, Saknu had come out of the inner room and stood in front of Caiwei.

"Haha, damn woman, you finally came out."

He smiled sinisterly and walked over step by step, but the expression on his face was extremely terrifying.

Caiwei instinctively took a few steps back, stared at him, and said, "You... don't come over..."

Saknu opened his mouth and smiled widely: "I know you're scared, huh?"

While he was talking, he had already walked up to Caiwei, lowered his head, and looked at her with bright eyes.

He was already tall and strong. Compared with the petite Caiwei, he was like a big black tower, which was more than enough to hold Caiwei. Standing in front of Caiwei, Caiwei had just reached his chest.

Cai Wei swallowed her saliva, nodded with difficulty, said an honest 'hmm', and then looked at Saknu's mother for help.

That lady looks gentle and kind. She won't just watch her son abuse her. Madam, help me, your beastly son's aura is too scary!

The lady looked at her curiously. After seeing her, her full eyes revealed a look of enlightenment, and said to herself: "She is indeed a rare beauty. No wonder he doesn't like the people we gave him!" "

She was just talking to herself, but had no intention of saving Caiwei. Only when Saknu grabbed Caiwei's arm and lifted her on his shoulder, she said lightly: "Son, don't get hurt." She is such a beauty, but it’s hard to find another one..."

Saknu only cared about the anger in his heart and did not listen to his mother's advice. He carried Caiwei on his shoulders and strode away.

Caiwei was hanging upside down on his shoulder, and was hurt by his hard shoulder armor. What caught her eye were his dark hair scattered behind him, his long and straight legs, and the people she met in the villa. Weird and ambiguous eyes, the eyes of those people seemed to be smiling but not smiling, as if they were watching her joke.

Gradually, her initial fear of him disappeared, replaced by rising anger.

She is the gold medal bodyguard of the Huaxia Kingdom, a figure who will be respected and looked up to wherever she goes. Now in this backward world, she has become the plaything of this beast, being carried on her shoulders without dignity. Walking in the public eye, being misunderstood and laughed at...

Increasingly angry, she gritted her teeth, grabbed his dark hair that was scattered behind her back, and pulled hard.

"What a beast, let you bully me!"


Saknu was pained, stopped, and squeezed out a few words through his teeth.

"Woman, you are seeking death!"

After saying that, there was only a "pop" sound, and Caiwei's buttocks had been hit hard. The palm force was so strong that Caiwei went numb at that time. She only felt that her buttocks were burning, and it seemed to be growing rapidly. swelled up.

Being spanked in public, Caiwei was so angry that she was so angry that she felt the pain. She made up her mind to summon the white-haired tiger when she got to a deserted place, tear him into pieces and eat him as food. ….

As she was grinding her teeth and thinking, she suddenly heard a "clang" sound, a metal collision sound. The sound rang on Saknu's chest. Although she couldn't see it, she could hear it really!

Someone is coming and attacking Saknu!

This news excited Caiwei, and she thought eagerly that no matter who came, she would have to reconcile with that person inside and outside, and this Liaodan barbarian would definitely be killed on the spot, otherwise it would not be enough to reveal the feelings in her heart. Resentment!

Saknu blocked the incoming darts with his armband, looked coldly at the murderous and stern man opposite, and sneered: "Young man, if you have some skills, you can even break into my Xiaoyao Villa!"

Hearing this, the man's handsome face showed a bit of disdain. He stared at Saknu opposite and said scornfully: "Don't mention a mere villa, it is your palace in Liaodan. If I want to break in, it will be the same." Walk on flat ground!"

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