Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 322 The hero saves the beauty (3)

As soon as Nangong Yi and Saknu separated, he jumped back to his own people. He seemed to have inadvertently forgotten Caiwei's distant glance. That glance seemed to say to her silently across thousands of mountains and rivers—— Be at peace.

When Caiwei saw it, she suddenly felt determined. She didn't know how Nangong Yi planned to deal with Saknu. She just trusted him. From the moment he disobeyed the queen and insisted on living and dying with her to deal with Tianjizi, she began to trust him without any guarantee from him. , with just one look and one word from him, she chose to believe him unconditionally.

He asked her to calm down for a while, and she calmed down for a while. Let's see what happens today.

Nangong Yi glanced at Caiwei without any trace, and his eyes turned cold when he turned to Saknu: "Saknu, you wantonly rob women from good families in our land of Jin Dynasty, and ignore the laws of our country. , do you think that the people of Jin Dynasty are easy to bully, or do you despise the national prestige of Jin Dynasty and want to provoke a dispute between the two countries?"

Saknu bared his teeth and chuckled: "King Qin, don't you sourly slap the shit basin on me. I bought this woman with real money from her parents. She is already mine. I think What you do with her has nothing to do with you!"

Nangong Yi's eyes turned cold and he sneered: "In that case, do you have the document of sale signed by her parents in your hand? How much money did it cost? Who was the middleman? In what year and month did she buy it? Can she herself? willing?"

Saknu choked, paused for a moment, and said angrily: "This is my king's private matter, why should I tell you? It's none of your business, and you are used to mediate it?"

Nangong Yi pointed at Cai Wei and said coolly: "She is my disciple, and I have a master-disciple relationship. Do you think it is none of my business?"

Saknu was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly and shouted rudely: "What master and disciple, King Qin, don't think that my woman is good-looking and you have lustful thoughts and want to take advantage of her. You might as well tell her You, I, Saknu, don’t like many women. I have only liked this one in my life. Even if God Karen wanted to take her away from me, he would not be able to, let alone you. I would like to advise you, Stop worrying about this as soon as possible, I am determined to make a decision about this woman!"

Nangong Yi sneered and said coolly: "Then it depends on whether you have the ability. "

After saying that, his eyes drifted to the Qingxian County Magistrate who had been standing aside tremblingly, and said angrily: "My Lord County Magistrate, under your jurisdiction, you have allowed foreigners to run rampant in our Jin Dynasty. It is my duty. Should I punish you for neglecting your duties, or should I punish you for collaborating with the enemy and treason?"

When the magistrate of Qing County heard this, he knelt down and kowtowed, while shouting: "Your Highness King Qin, spare your life. I will handle this matter personally and I will give a satisfactory explanation to His Highness King Qin."

After saying that, he turned his eyes to Sacnu's mother and shouted: "Mrs. Xiao, I have always been respectful and courteous to my wife these years. Please be kind to me and don't embarrass me!" "

Mrs. Xiao had long heard about Nangong Yi's identity from others. She was shocked and worried about the trouble her son had caused. She walked to Saknu and whispered: "Nu'er, after all, we are In the land of Jin Dynasty, it is better not to have bad relations with the royal family of Jin Dynasty."

Saknu laughed disdainfully and said arrogantly: "Even if we are at odds with them, what can we do? Is it possible that this king is still afraid of him?"

Mrs. Xiao whispered: "Of course my son is not afraid, but you have submitted your credential to the Emperor of Jin Dynasty to propose marriage, and the person you are proposing for is the sister of the King of Qin. If you are marrying a little girl now, The King of Qin's antagonism may be detrimental to my son's plans. Nu'er should think twice before doing such an uneconomical thing!"

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