Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 324 The hero saves the beauty (5)

The God of Plague was finally sent away, and his heart dropped in his throat.

Fortunately, he arrived in time, and the woman who was the lover of King Qin did not have time to be defiled by Saknu. Otherwise, not to mention his hair, even his head would have to move with him.

Looking at the look of King Qin, he really doted on this woman. He once heard a classmate who traveled in the capital say that the current King of Qin, who is the direct descendant of the Holy Emperor, is not close to women. He is in his twenties, let alone getting married. There is not even a girl who has a common roommate. Now it seems that these rumors are unbelievable...

Nangong Yi held Caiwei and walked on the path of Xiaoyao Villa. At this moment, his worries and anxieties for the past few days turned into pity. He looked at her tenderly, and his heart softened into a puddle.

Xiao Nizi was brutally bullied in his absence. Although she had some powers, she was still unable to protect herself. This was only in a remote small county on the border. If she comes to Kyoto where dragons and snakes are mixed in the future, With her unparalleled beauty, she will definitely cause more troubles. How can she protect herself then?

She kept saying that she wanted to draw a clear line with herself, and she was likely to treat him as a passerby from now on, but without his care, how easy would it be for her to work hard in Kyoto alone? If something happens to her, how should she deal with it? How could he sit back and turn a blind eye?

He was thinking with mixed feelings. Caiwei buried her head in his arms, and her heart felt as if a five-flavor bottle had been knocked over. All kinds of tastes, sour, sweet, bitter, spicy and salty, came to her heart at the same time.

It was really a huge surprise for her that he could fall from the sky when she needed him most.

Although she would be fine even without his help, she had made up her mind to wait for the beast Saknu to take her to a remote and uninhabited place, then call out the white-haired tiger and eat him. She was taking advantage of the opportunity. escape. However, the consequences of doing so may expose her space and even involve her family again. This is not what she wants to see. However, at that time, she had no choice. She could not let it go just to keep the secret. The beast must have insulted itself.

Fortunately, he came and rescued her in time. He did not hesitate to fight the perverted monster with his sword and life for her. She will never forget this deep love in this life. Although she cannot respond to his deep feelings, nor can she There is nothing she can do in return for him, but at least the seeds of gratitude and emotion have been planted in her heart, taking root and sprouting...

Walking outside the door of the villa, Zhui Feng took the horse and said respectfully: "Master, please mount the horse."

Nangong Yi looked at the horse's back, then at Xiao Nizi in his arms, frowned and said, "Go get a comfortable carriage."

"Yes, Master!"

Zhui Feng cupped his hands and quietly retreated to do his work.

This is a county suburb surrounded by mountains and rivers, more than ten miles away from the county seat. If you want to get a carriage, you have to rush to the county seat. After you find the carriage, you can drive it back. This round trip will take at least an hour.

Caiwei couldn't bear to let Nangong Yi hold her for so long. Even if she was thin and light, holding her for an hour was not an easy task. She moved, raised her little face, and said softly to Nangong Yi: "Let me down, I can stand on my own."

Nangong Yi glanced at her lower body and said coolly: "It's swollen like the big steamed buns offered to me, and you're still showing off!"

When he said this, Caiwei's face turned red with embarrassment, she couldn't help but lower her eyes, bit her lip and was speechless.

Shopkeeper Li looked at them with a smile, came over and said, "Master, why don't you find a farmhouse nearby for a while, and let the girl apply medicine to the injured area first, so as not to delay it and aggravate the injury! "

Caiwei's head buzzed as she was shocked by Shopkeeper Li's suggestion. Her injuries were really indecent and could not be shown to others!

However, I heard the man above me say 'hmm' and say, "Let's do it quickly!"

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