Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 351 I want to sleep with you (3)

Magistrate Han asked in surprise: "Did Mr. Huo get the news?"

Huo Yuan said: "It's just expected!"

As he said this, he led Magistrate Han to sit on a carved armchair, and ordered the servant to bring him tea. While drinking tea, he chatted with Magistrate Han. The content of the conversation was about matters related to the support hall.

The Support Hall was opened in Lin'an Prefecture, so it was natural to ask Magistrate Han to take care of it. After hearing this, Magistrate Han hurriedly agreed, and even offered to help investigate the number of beggars, and regularly organized medical clinics in Lin'an Prefecture to go to the Support Hall for free clinics, etc... …

Huo Yuan was very satisfied with Magistrate Han's attitude. He was very concerned about the nursing home. In addition to wanting to do some good deeds, the most important reason was because he and sister Wei'er planned and opened this nursing home together. It is of extraordinary significance to them!

When Caiwei returned to the inn, she saw many tall horses tied up in the yard of the inn. Those horses had flat, long heads and short ears. The limbs are long, the bones are solid, the muscles and ligaments are well developed, and the coat colors are mostly chestnut, green, black and maroon. I don’t know who has moved in again.

She glanced at it for a few times, without stopping, and walked directly to the backyard where she lived. When he was about to reach the Moon Gate, there was suddenly a burst of eerie laughter behind him.

When Caiwei heard the laughter, she felt as if she had been struck by thunder, her whole body trembled unconsciously, and she turned around in horror.

Behind her, she saw the barbarian from Liaodan, standing in the afterglow of the setting sun, looking at her proudly.

He wore a black Liaodan robe with mink fur trim. The robe reached the floor and was open to the chest. It was embroidered with complicated totem patterns. Underneath was a narrow coat of the same color, which covered his healthy body. He has a majestic figure, his black hair is spread freely on his head, and he only wears a gold and ruby ​​forehead crown on his forehead.

He stood there, masculine, handsome, tall and strong, like a god in mythology. If you didn't understand his nature, his appearance would really fascinate many women.

Seeing Caiwei turn around, Saknu opened his mouth and laughed wildly, revealing his white teeth.

"Hehehe, woman, we meet again."

As soon as she saw him, Caiwei's scalp went numb and her heart sank. How could this man who had killed a thousand swords find his way here? She looked around subconsciously, instinctively wanting to run, but the thought disappeared in an instant.

At this moment, her parents, her brothers and sisters were all in this inn, and they were firmly in his hands. Life and death were decided by him, so where could she go?

Thinking of this, she resisted the desire to escape, stood still, and watched helplessly as he approached her step by step.

"What are you going to do?"

She questioned, clenching her fists, and constantly cheering herself up.

It's not that she is cowardly, it's that the other person is too powerful. She can't beat him, and she can't run away. She can't even take medicine to defeat him. He's so powerful that he's almost not human.

Saknu walked up to her, lowered his head, looked at her calm little face with satisfaction, pulled the corner of his mouth and smiled, leaned into her ear and uttered four words.

"I want to sleep with you!"


Hearing him say such shameless words so bluntly, Caiwei felt angry, hateful, ashamed and annoyed. She pointed at Saknu and gritted her teeth, speechless.

Saknu stood in front of her, staring at her as if he were looking at his prey.

"Don't think that you can run away with Nangong Yi's support. The woman I, Saknu, like has never escaped before. That loser Nangong Yi can't even protect himself, so how can he protect you?"

Facing Saknu, Caiwei was originally very afraid, but when she heard that he insulted that person, she suddenly felt an unknown fire of karma rush out from the bottom of her heart, burning to the top of her head, burning those who were afraid. Turn into ashes.

She took a step back, relatively far away from him, raised her chin, and smiled mockingly.

"Since he is a waste, why did you avoid him? Why did you wait until he left before you dare to show up here? You claim to be the King Kong on the grassland, but you are afraid of and afraid of even a waste. Aren't you worse than a waste? !"

As soon as the cold voice fell, the smile on Saknu's face suddenly froze, and two dark and cold lights shot out from his green eyes, as cruel as a wolf.

"Woman, you'd better not provoke me! I, Saknu, am the sun on the grassland and I am not afraid of anyone!"

Caiwei sneered disdainfully: "Since you are not afraid of him, please explain, why did you let me go that day? Why did you dare to show up after he left today?"

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