Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 369 Opening a Store in Beijing (1)

Mu Zhongqing and Du returned to the inn with worries. Their daughter Caiwei had just figured out how to bake sandwich biscuits. Seeing her parents coming back, she hurriedly brought out a plate of sandwich biscuits and presented them to her parents. .

When I walked to my parents, I suddenly saw my mother's eyes were red and her delicate face was a little swollen. I couldn't help but be shocked and said, "It's fine, what's going on?"

When Mrs. Du saw her daughter asking questions, she couldn't help but feel a sore nose. She told her daughter from beginning to end what happened when she returned to Duke Anguo's mansion just now.

Then she wiped her tears and said, "Mom has no ability to take your grandmother out of that wolf den, and she can't bear to let you fall into it. Now you are in a dilemma. It's really hard for me!"

When Caiwei heard that her grandmother had suffered so much inhumane abuse in Anguo's palace, she was so angry that her hair almost stood on end. She sneered and said, "Go, why not? Don't worry, as long as I'm here, there's nothing you can do about it." We. "

"Yes, mother, let's go. Grandma will definitely want to see us. If we are not here, if there is something wrong with grandma, it will be too late for you to regret it."

Fei'er also persuaded her. When she heard that her grandmother was beaten like that, Fei'er felt so distressed that she wished she could fly over to protect her.

"Mom, go ahead. When your son wants to be taken care of but is not waiting for you, it will be too late to go."

Wen'er clenched his fists tightly. Although he and his master only learned a few moves, he practiced those moves every day. When he got to Duke An's mansion and found out who tortured and insulted his old grandmother, he would definitely fight back twice as hard.

Wu'er was a soft-hearted child. When he heard about his grandmother's suffering, his big clear eyes suddenly became watery.

"Let's go, mother, grandma is so pitiful... ugh..."

Mu Zhongqing also said: "Meiniang, since the children have said so, let's go. Even if it's a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, let's brave it together as a family. I know that if you don't go, you will never feel at ease in this life." ."

He knew his wife well. If she did not return to Duke An's mansion and her mother-in-law passed away, she would blame herself every day, have trouble sleeping and eating, and would live in guilt and pain for the rest of her life. He couldn't bear her suffering like this, so he would rather take the risk and go back with her.

The family's opinions were unified, and Mrs. Du no longer hesitated and made up her mind to return to Anguo's mansion.

This time when she goes back, she no longer faces those tigers and wolves alone. She has her husband, her children, and her gray-haired mother. This time when she goes back, she will no longer be a coward and let others bully her.

After finishing the calculation, Caiwei took out the newly developed sandwich biscuits and asked everyone to taste them. After everyone tasted them, they couldn't stop cheering. Wen'er also kept asking: "What is this and why is it so good?" eat?"

Caiwei smiled and said, "This is also one of the signature snacks in our snack shop, called sandwich biscuits!"

Caiwei mentioned the matter of opening a shop again, and Mu Zhongqing suddenly seemed to remember something and said, "Since we are going to live in An Guogong's mansion, the rules in the mansion are strict, how can we agree to let you live with a daughter?" Open a shop?"

Caiwei sneered and said, "Those rules are all old-fashioned, and they are not right for others. When I go, I will help them correct these unreasonable rules!"

After that, I went to the kitchen again, planning to bake some more sandwich biscuits and egg tart sandwiches, etc., and take them to my grandmother to eat tomorrow.

Early the next morning, as soon as Caiwei's family got up, Butler Cao brought someone to the inn and said he wanted to invite the fourth lady and her uncle's family back home.

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