Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 379 Business is booming (2)

The second picture shows the top of a large round table, which is filled with colorful pastries. The pastries are drawn extremely realistically, including round, triangular, plum-shaped, and quadrilateral shapes. The pastries are all small and unique, making people appetizing at first glance.

The price of each pastry is marked below. Although they are not cheap, they are still within the range that most people can accept.

"Dear guests, what do you want to eat? Just order, the shop is open today, and the owner has ordered that any customer who spends more than one tael of silver in our shop today can receive a piece of each of the pastries above for free. What a chance. Lost!"

The customers looked at the pictures on the wall, pointed to a few of them, and ordered.

The powerful advertising effect of Changmei and the attraction of the aroma of kebabs made Bafu Restaurant full in a short time, and there was even a long queue outside the door, waiting to eat this amazingly delicious food. new stuff.

During the waiting process, Caiwei did not let everyone wait in vain. Everyone was given a skewer of grilled and oily meat skewers. The meat skewers were covered with oil stars and wrapped in a lot of seasonings. One bite was just delicious. I wish I could swallow it all with my tongue. The guests who were waiting impatiently and were about to leave after eating the meat skewers were all reluctant to leave. They all looked eagerly into the restaurant, lining up obediently, looking forward to it. Hurry up and wait for your turn.

The store was now very busy, with four waiters running up and down without touching the ground, busy and shouting.

"Table No. 7 on the first floor, add fifty more roasted ribs, twenty roasted fat..."

"If you pay for Room 3 on the second floor, you will spend a total of twenty taels and one cent and five cents, and you will get two free snacks of various kinds----"


Mu Zhongqing stood at the counter, acting as the temporary shopkeeper. Watching the white money keep coming into the account, he couldn't help but feel happy, and the abacus in his hand ticked louder!

The business of the restaurant is booming, which is all as expected by Caiwei. This scene seems to be reappearing yesterday, which makes her happy but also a little emotional. I wonder how her Bafu Restaurant in Qingyun Town is doing now? I don’t know what Uncle Zhou, Aunt Zhou and Jiujin are doing now!

Huo Yuan and Cao Jin arrived early in the morning. They each brought a table of friends to support Caiwei. The friends they brought were all lively and wealthy, and they were all potential stocks that could bring back repeat customers to Caiwei in the future. …

The business of the restaurant was surprisingly good. It opened in the morning and was busy until it closed at midnight. Although we were a little tired, everyone was very happy.

The boss said that the workers' wages are based on the income in the store. In other words, the higher the income in the store, the more their wages will be.

When shopkeeper Mu calculated that today's net income was forty-four taels, six cents, and three cents, the guys all cheered. The boss made more than forty taels a day, and they could earn more than four hundred cents a day. In other words, each of them can earn more than ten taels of silver per month.

Such a generous income is beyond their imagination. With such a good job, marrying a wife and supporting a family will not be a problem in the future!

Several of the clerks returned from work happily, all tiredness gone. Everyone left in a hurry, anxious to go back and tell their families the good news!

Mu Zhongqing was also very happy. When he used to teach in Qingyun Town, he only earned one or two taels of silver per month, but running a restaurant, he could earn 40 or 50 taels of silver a day. This is too unbelievable. .

He did a rough calculation and found that if the restaurant continued to develop as it was now, his family would have an income of more than a thousand taels of silver every month. This was something he had never dared to think about before!

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