Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 388: Crushing a scumbag relative (1)

Caiwei was startled, took a step back, and when she looked closely, she saw a young man with oily hair and pink face, looking at her with a smile on his face. One look at the man's face, and he knew that he was not a good person.

Caiwei lowered her face and shouted, "Who are you? Why are you blocking my way?"

Liu Zhu introduced in a low voice: "Ms. Cousin, this is the eldest son in the big room."

Du Yulang said with a smile: "My cousin is so busy with things that I forgot about my cousin. But my cousin always thinks about my sister!"

As he spoke, he shook a Xiangfei bamboo folding fan. It was April and the night was still slightly cold. Du Yulang actually wore a thin silk silk gown, pretending to be cool and unrestrained, and spared no effort in front of Caiwei. It's pretty.

Especially those explicit lines he said, even a fool could tell what he wanted to do, let alone a smart person like Caiwei with forty years of life experience.

"Are you alright?"

She asked the man with a sneer, turning a blind eye to his 'romantic elegance'.

Du Yulang said with a salivating smile: "If nothing happens, can't you talk to your sister and have a chat?"

Caiwei said coldly: "I'm very busy and have no time to chat."

Du Yulang laughed softly and said: "Such a cruel sister, since we brothers and sisters are destined to meet here in front of flowers and under the moon, why doesn't it matter if my sister doesn't chat with her brother for a while?"

Seeing his persistence in stalking and not giving up until he achieved his goal, Caiwei was angry and funny. Originally, she didn't want to do anything to him, but he rushed in without knowing whether to live or die. In this case, she couldn't blame her. .

She laughed, with a strange and indefensible smile, and said, "Okay, it's rare for my cousin to get excited about this, let's go for a walk together in front of these flowers and under the moonlight!"

Du Yulang was overjoyed when he heard this, as if he had heard the sound of Buddha's words. He was so happy that he felt itchy all over. He immediately ordered Liuzhu to stay here and not allow anyone to come and disturb him. He led Caiwei towards the rockery deep in the garden. .

There was a cave in the rockery, and he once had a cook's wife in it. It was extremely exciting. If he could have sex with this beautiful cousin there, even if Huo Yuan found out about it in the future, he would kill him. He's worth it too!

Caiwei was well aware of his dark and dirty thoughts, but she pretended to know nothing. She walked a few steps leisurely, threw the handkerchief on the ground, and shouted, "Ouch, My veil!"

When Du Yulang saw it, he immediately stepped forward diligently and said, "It's okay, brother, just pick it up for you."

After that, he bent down and picked up the veil.

The moment she bent down, Caiwei quickly took out a handful of itching powder from the space and sprinkled it on him.

At this time, the sky was dark, and the powder was as light as nothing, and could not be seen or felt at all. Therefore, after Du Yulang was hit by the medicinal powder, he did not realize it and still picked up the handkerchief of picking weeds. He put it under his nose and sniffed it, and said with a smile: "My sister's handkerchief smells so good, just like my sister's body. Why don't you just give me this handkerchief? I'll choose some good ones tomorrow." I made a veil for my sister."

Before he could finish speaking, his body suddenly felt itchy, as if there were hundreds of ants crawling around on his body. Du Yulang froze and felt embarrassed. At this time, he really wanted to take off his clothes and give him a good scratch. But if he scratches the itch in front of the beauty, it would be too blasphemous to the beauty. Moreover, this beauty is the one he has been thinking about for a long time.

So, he gave up the idea of ​​scratching the itch, gritted his teeth and endured it, thinking about waiting for the itch to subside before spending time with the beauty. However, the itching feeling did not recede because of his patience, but became more and more intense. It got worse. At first it was like hundreds of ants crawling on his body, but now it was like tens of thousands of ants had burrowed into his bones. It was so itchy that he couldn't bear it anymore and didn't bother to say anything to Caiwei. He jumped up and ran away. Before he could run far, he started scratching the itch...

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