Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 395 Fang Fei Pavilion (2)

Caiwei smiled and pointed to the five big boxes at her feet, and said with a wry smile: "I would like to rest at home, but I made an appointment with Jiang Zhongren today, how can I break my promise?"

Mu Zhongqing suddenly remembered that today was the day to pay money when buying Zhuangzi.

He looked at the several big boxes at his daughter's feet with anxiety. It was hard to imagine that they were all filled with white money!

Who is my daughter’s master? Nuo Da borrowed a large amount of money as soon as he was asked to borrow it, and he didn't even show his face after borrowing it. He even sent the money quietly, and even he didn't know when he sent the money!

The guys moved all the vegetables bought by Mu Zhongqing to the back kitchen and started busy making preparations.

At this moment, Uncle Zhang's family, Sister-in-law Liu, Chunliu, the three hired women, a few servants at home, and several hired men went to battle together, washing vegetables and cutting meat. , Chuan Chuan'er's Chuan Chuan'er cooperates very well.

Caiwei took the time to go to the kitchen to take a look. She saw that everyone was busy and rushing to work, and no one was shying away from easy tasks. Therefore, she fully affirmed everyone's enthusiasm for work and said that they must At the end of the month, we will provide benefits to everyone to reward everyone.

Uncle Zhang's family, Liu's sister-in-law Chunliu and others were already accustomed to Caiwei's behavior, but Caiwei's three newly hired clerks and three wives were quite surprised and a little flattered.

"Miss, you have already given us a lot of wages. Now I don't know how many people envy us for being able to work in the Bafu Restaurant? We really don't dare to accept the gift from the eldest lady again, lest we ruin our food." "

Caiwei smiled and said, "This is what everyone deserves for their hard work. You don't have to shirk it. If you cheat in my restaurant, not to mention the benefits, even the salary you deserve will be deducted by me." .So, just accept it with peace of mind and continue to work hard and seriously, and it will reap your benefits in the future!"

Everyone was excited and said in unison: "Don't worry, young lady, you are considerate of us and treat us generously and kindly. How can we not do our best to serve the restaurant? If we are not at all dedicated, I am afraid that even God will not be able to tolerate us." You will be struck by lightning from the sky..."

Caiwei smiled and said, "You are serious. If everyone can work together for the restaurant, our restaurant will be prosperous. I'm afraid it will be so prosperous that we need to expand or open a branch."

When everyone heard this, they were all shocked. This restaurant has only been open for two or three days, and the eldest lady is planning to open another one. This, this is too fast...

Caiwei ignored everyone's demented expressions and turned and left after speaking.

Yes, she had the idea of ​​opening a branch. The kebab business at home was so prosperous that customers who couldn't eat complained every day. For this reason, she thought about it, if her restaurant could be as big as the ones she often saw in her previous life. The hotel's large-scale opening of branches will definitely spread throughout the Jin Kingdom. By then, won't a lot of money pour into her pocket like a tide?

After making up her mind, she walked outside and saw her father and Chao Yun still busy selling snacks. One of them was weighing and packaging customers, and the other was collecting and changing money. They were very busy.

While Mu Zhongqing was selling, he glanced at the snacks his wife had prepared yesterday and found that half of them had been sold. He felt happy and distressed at the same time.

I am happy that my dim sum is very popular and sells well, making a lot of money; but I am distressed that my dim sum cannot be sold enough and I have not yet opened a dim sum shop. If I open another dim sum shop in the future , something like this made by a lady’s daughter, I’m afraid it won’t last even an hour before it’s all snatched up.

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