Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 723 Encounter on a narrow road (2)

Since the King of Qin went to war, the queen was reprimanded and grounded by Jinshang. Miss Ruizhu has been much more low-key than before. At this time in previous years, she would hold a flower viewing party and invite rich ladies, princesses and county heads from the upper class in Beijing to come to the house. Go up to play. This year, because of the Queen's affairs, she had to keep a low profile. The flower viewing party could not be held. She could only occasionally find a few close friends from her boudoir to come to the house to talk and relieve her boredom!

After receiving the post, Du Wanqiu dressed up carefully and went out happily.

Today, she is in a really good mood!

Over the years, in the eyes of others, she has always been deeply affectionate and friendly with sisters Li Ruizhu, but in fact, she has long hated the superior Miss Li. Li Ruizhu betrayed her trust and broke the agreement they made when they were young. He ignored her and put her in an extremely embarrassing situation. He also showed off this and that in front of her with arrogance. He bossed her around many times in front of all the official ladies. She was so angry that she almost vomited blood several times. , but there is nothing to do.   !

Things have turned, and now she, Li Ruizhu, is also unlucky. Her prospective mother-in-law has been banned, and her position as queen is in jeopardy. Her fiancé is trapped in Lingbei, and the outcome is unpredictable. It is said that Concubine Jin is not ready to let him back. It can be said that Li Ruizhu is now extremely shady. Therefore, even if he knew that seeing her would make him angry, Du Wanqiu would not hesitate to go see her when she was unlucky!

After walking out of her yard and just about to walk towards the stables, sisters Du Wanyue and Du Wanru walked over.

Du Wanqiu's relationship with their sisters has never been good, so after meeting, she only said hello lightly and wanted to leave the past alone, but Du Wanyue took the lead and stopped in front of her. She said with a smile: "Sister, I want to go to Li." The house? Take us with you! The house is going to be suffocating!"

Du Wanqiu said coldly: "My sister is so well-informed that she even knew where I was going. In that case, didn't your God tell you? Ruizhu only made an appointment with me, so you went without invitation." , I’m afraid he will be unhappy!"

Du Wanyue said self-righteously: "How could it be? We are also sisters of Sister Ruizhu. She is in bad luck right now. We went there. If nothing else, we can comfort her and help her out!"

"Yes, eldest sister won't let us go, but are you afraid that sister Ruizhu will kiss us and snub you?" Du Yuanru also has an unforgiving temper. When she heard that Du Wanqiu refused to take them, she was already very annoyed. So he spoke in a sharp tone.

Du Wanqiu was immediately laughed at by these two cousins!

These two idiots who don't know the heights of the world want to comfort Li Ruizhu. Don't they know that Li Ruizhu has a proud temperament. She has always been the only one to sympathize with and pity others. How can she allow others to sympathize with and pity herself?

If she was sympathized and comforted by these two idiots, how interesting the scene would be. Would Li Ruizhu be succumbed to half-death?

This thought made her feel a burst of joy, and she immediately said kindly: "Sister, you are overthinking it. Since you insist on going, I will just take you there. However, you insist on going with me, not me." of!"

"That's natural. We were worried about Sister Ruizhu, so we forced you to take us there!"

Du Wanyue was determined to sell well to Li Ruizhu, so of course she would say that she went to visit because of her uneasy love for sisters Li Ruizhu. How could she say anything else?

At that moment, Du Wanqiu, Du Wanru and Du Wanyue, got on the carriage of Anguo Duke's Mansion. With a few maids and several servants as guards, they left the Anguo Duke's Mansion and drove towards the General Protector's Mansion.

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