Mu Zhongqing sat in the car, held the window open, stretched his head out of the window, and warned again: "Fei'er, don't forget what dad said to you. "

Caifei smiled and said, "Don't worry, Dad, I know!"

Even though his daughter answered like this, Mu Zhongqing was still worried. He sat in the car and watched his daughter enter the shop before he felt relieved and let Uncle Zhang drive away. "

Caiwei came very early today. She came early on purpose. The purpose was to complete the task left for her by Grandma Tong early so that she could visit Duke Anguo's mansion. The news she heard on the street yesterday kept making her feel uneasy. , If she doesn’t see her grandmother with her own eyes, she won’t feel at ease.

Therefore, as soon as she left her father's sight, she turned around and whispered to Huanqiu: "I'm going out later. Please come with me, Sister Huanqiu!"

Huanqiu said expressionlessly: "The master has ordered that the second lady is not allowed to leave the shop."

Fei'er took Huanqiu's hand and begged: "Sister Huanqiu, I heard some news about my grandmother on the street yesterday. If I don't go and see it with my own eyes, I'll be really worried. Good sister, Just go with me. "

Huanqiu still had a cold face and was not moved by her plea at all: "Second Miss, please don't embarrass me!"

"Hey, forget it, if you don't want to go, then don't go!"

Fei'er's face dropped. Although the days when Huan Qiu came to her home were short, she still had some understanding of this girl's temperament. This girl was cold-tempered, seldom smiled, and rarely spoke, but every time she said a word Her words must count. For example, if she said she was not allowed to go to An Gong's mansion, she would never be allowed to go.

With her watching closely, Caiwei naturally wrote down her thoughts about going to Duke Anguo's mansion, came to the backyard of Cloth Village, and started learning embroidery in a good manner, and continued to embroider until lunch.

There is an old woman who specializes in cooking in Buzhuang. She prepares the food in the backyard of Buzhuang and brings it to the shop in front for everyone to eat. Caiwei stays in the backyard every day to eat with her grandma, who is older. , every day after lunch, she had to take a nap for an hour. During that hour, Caiwei would sometimes continue her embroidery, and sometimes go to another room to take a nap.

It was the same today. After dinner, Aunt Tong went to the east room to sleep, and Caiwei went to the west room, and asked Huanqiu and the old woman who was cooking to stay in the shop in the front yard to avoid causing trouble. The movement disturbed them.

This was the second time Huanqiu worked with Cai Fei. She didn't know Cai Fei's previous habits and thought she had always been like this. Therefore, after Cai Fei gave the order, she followed the old lady quietly. The front yard.

An hour later, Aunt Tong woke up on time, but Caifei was missing. She thought Caifei had gone to the shop in the front yard, and sat in front of the flower bed and waited for a while. When she didn't see her back, she got up and went to the front yard. Go find her,

Huanqiu was shocked when she heard that Caifei no longer had the backyard. She quickly ran back to the backyard, only to find that the kitchen window in the backyard was open, and there was a low stool standing under the window. Apparently, it was Someone opened the back window and escaped through the back window on a stool!

Huanqiu said "no" and ran out.

"Hey, Miss Huanqiu, what's going on? Where is Caifei?"

Aunt Tong was startled by Huanqiu's anxious look. She followed Huanqiu and asked loudly, how could Huanqiu have time to explain to her? She quickly ran out of the cloth shop and hired a man on the opposite street. The carriage flew towards Duke Anguo's Mansion...

It's been an hour since the second lady left the shop. Logically speaking, she should have finished visiting the old lady by now. Why haven't she come back yet? Could something have happened? "

When the car arrived at the gate of Duke An Guo's residence, Huan Qiu jumped out of the car and ran quickly towards the gate of Duke An Guo's residence. Four young men in Tsing Yi who were guarding the door stopped her: "What are you doing? Duke An Guo's residence will kill you." Is this a place for you to wander in? You must be impatient now!"

Huanqiu stopped and asked eagerly: "Is my cousin back? The second lady of the Mu family?"

"No, no, go, go, go----"

The boy waved his hands to shoo away Huanqiu like flies, with an impatient look on his face.

Huanqiu snorted coldly, and suddenly took out a soft whip from his waist and whipped it at the boys!

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