Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 805 Mayfair’s concerns (5)

In the restaurant, two masters of internal martial arts exchanged blows. They could only hear the sound of "puff, puff, puff" in the wind, but could not hear the sound of fists and fists. They could only see the girl wearing a hat and curtain flowing as elegant as the wind, and the man with a stern face as vigorous as the wind. Leopard's coming and going attracted all the diners in the restaurant to come out and watch. Even the newcomers walking on the street crowded in and watched the two fighting from a distance.

Anyone who saw such a picture would be amazed at its beauty, but neither of the two people inside noticed it. What they noticed was only the opponent's skill.

Mo Ziqi raised his leg and hooked Caiwei's ankle with a sweep. At this time, Caiwei also leaned on Mo Ziqi's arm.


Someone in the crowd shouted, causing a chorus of echoes.

The two were obviously fighting, but it made everyone feel like they were enjoying the most eye-catching dance. What Caiwei couldn't stand was that some people in the crowd actually started to place bets on whether they would win or lose. However, most of the people won by betting on the men, and only a handful of them won. She wins if someone beats her!

No, this battle must be ended as soon as possible.

Caiwei bent her knees and leaned forward, just as she was about to hit Mo Ziqi's knee. Mo Ziqi turned to one side to avoid her knee, and used the strength of her arm to bring his elbow forward, thinking Her arm pit.

so close!

Caiwei barely dodged his blow. Seeing that she was no match for him and was about to lose, she concentrated her energy and prepared to use her spiritual power to teach him an unforgettable lesson.

At this time, the sound of his inner strength suddenly came to my ears.

"That rogue is Queen Mother Ji's only grandnephew. If you hurt him, it will bring endless trouble to the family!"

Caiwei raised her eyes in shock, and her heart thumped. When she stayed at Du Meiren's place, she once heard Du Meiren say that Empress Dowager Ji is the biological mother of this emperor. She has been living deep in the harem and not caring about worldly affairs, but only There was one thing she had to take care of, and that was her family's affairs.

Empress Dowager Ji is very protective of her natal family. She will personally take care of anything related to her natal family, and she will never give up until her goal is achieved. The Emperor is pure and filial and respects his mother very much. Therefore, he will not accept anything that the Empress Dowager says. If you don't respect, you will obey everything.

Therefore, the status of the children of the Ji family in the capital is such that even the prince has to give in!

She beat Mr. Ji. There must have been some flatterers in the restaurant looking for someone. I believe that after a while, a large number of imperial guards or imperial guards will come to arrest them.

When Caiwei saw that the current situation was not good, she concentrated some spiritual power and hit Mo Ziqi on the body.

"I'm sorry, thank you!"

She whispered in a voice that only two people could hear, and then jumped back.

The man hit her in the face and suddenly took a few steps back. After barely standing still, he clasped his fists and said, "I lost!"

There was an uproar in the crowd again, and those who were pressuring them to win or lose were clamoring. The one who was pressuring Mo Ziqi encouraged him to keep fighting, and he would definitely defeat this woman, while the one who was pressuring Caiwei was shouting that he was willing to accept defeat. What kind of man is a real man? He still keeps pestering me after he has clearly lost.

Caiwei ignored the excitement at the scene, pulled Fei'er and quickly squeezed out of the crowd.

It wasn't until she got into the carriage that Caiwei's heart calmed down. She patted her chest and said, "Fei'er, today is your birthday. Don't go back to Buzhuang this afternoon. Go home with your sister later." !"

Fei'er was startled for a moment, and said without answering the question: "Sister, that slap you just gave didn't hurt that person, did it?"

Caiwei laughed and said exaggeratedly: "I hit him right in the heart. Even if I can't kill him, I still have to make him suffer something good if I turn around."

Mayfair's face suddenly turned pale, she lowered her head in despair, fiddled with her new bracelet mechanically, and stopped talking.

Seeing her acting like this, Caiwei couldn't help but frown and raised her eyes to look at Huanqiu. After spending this short time together, she discovered that there were too many abnormalities about Feier. What was wrong with this child? "

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