Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 812 Birthday Congratulations (2)

Mi Fang Zhai is not far from Mu Ji Canxing, only one street away. Caiwei can reach it on foot in fifteen minutes. When passing through an alley, she deliberately turned in and stayed for a while. When she came out, she had an extra one in her hand. The basket has a lid. I don’t know what’s inside, but it smells so good that passers-by take a deep breath and become intoxicated.

Mi Fangzhai is a century-old rouge and gouache shop. The rouge and gouache it produces has an excellent reputation and is very famous in the Jin Dynasty. Almost all the ladies and ladies of officials and families buy rouge here. Some girls from middle- and lower-class families, I would rather wear less bright clothes, but also save some money and buy a box of Mi Fang Zhai's rouge rub. Therefore, the rouge here is extremely expensive, but the business has always been prosperous and lasting!

Caiwei walked in with a basket, only to see it was bustling with people. Many young ladies wearing hats and curtains were walking through it, choosing their favorite rouges. There were also some noble ladies with their maids and wives on the shelves. Crazy shopping. Caiwei was standing aside and watching, when a woman from Miifangzhai came forward, took a quick look at Caiwei, quickly estimated her spending power based on her clothes, and greeted her with a smile: " What do you want to buy, girl? Can the little lady help you introduce it?"

Caiwei looked around Mi Fangzhai's shop and saw that it was decorated in an antique style, with rows of rosewood shelves filled with all kinds of rouge and gouache, in porcelain boxes, jade vases, cloisonné enamel, and even There are silver bowls and boxes containing various colors of rouge, which are placed on the counter in an orderly manner. Before you get closer, you can smell the refreshing fragrance of the rouge!

She looked away and said with a smile: "Thank you, sister. I want to see your boss. Please let me know."

The woman took a look at Caiwei. Today Caiwei was wearing a turquoise brocade long gown with dark patterns embroidered with roses, and a moon-white pleated skirt with rose pink edges underneath. Exquisitely embroidered with colorful butterflies, the skirt swings with the steps, and the butterflies are looming, as if they can fly out of the folds.

The head was simply combed into a crescent bun, with a jade plum blossom-dotted emerald tassel long hairpin inserted diagonally on it, and a few scattered sapphire beads adorning the lower part.

This dress was both simple and elegant, but not noble. After looking at Caiwei, the woman did not move her steps, but still maintained a warm smile and said: "Young lady, I dare to ask the girl why she wants to see you." Our boss?"

This woman was clearly looking at the dishes being served, and when she saw that Caiwei was not dressed elegantly enough, she thought that Caiwei was a girl from a small family, so she ignored her and asked her about Caiwei on behalf of her boss. The origin of.

Caiwei didn't want to argue with a waiter, so she gently lifted the lid of the basket on her arm and said, "I have a lot of cantaloupe seeds. I want to ask your boss if they will accept them. If not, I will just find them." Ask someone else?"

When the woman saw the basket full of vine seeds, her eyes widened, and her attitude changed 180 degrees. She respectfully invited Caiwei into the inner room to have tea, while she "thumped, thumped, thumped" I went up to the second floor and asked my boss for instructions on the matter.

Caiwei was sitting in the back room, drinking tea slowly. After a while, she heard footsteps coming down the stairs. She turned around and saw an elegant man in his thirties slowly walking down the stairs.

The man had an elegant look on his face. After he came down, he politely bowed his hand to Caiwei and said, "Excuse me, girl, do you have any manjingzi?"

Caiwei nodded, pointed to the basket on the table, and said, "I have many more flowers like this."

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