Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 819 Nangong Yu and Luo Xue (2)

Upon hearing that the man had won another battle, Caiwei was immediately elated, her pretty face filled with joy, and she turned around and ran back to the big tent.

On the case outside the big tent, there were indeed more than a dozen furs piled up, including mink, snow wolf, white fox and red fox furs. Each one was a carefully selected good fur with neat and dense hair!

On the top of the leather was a smooth letter. On the envelope were written the six characters "Caiwei's beloved wife personally expresses her gratitude", which was exactly that guy's handwriting.

Caiwei lowered her head and laughed silently for a while, then took out the letter and read it slowly.

The beginning of the letter was a majestic description. The man told her the entire process of capturing Kashgar, and repeatedly emphasized that he obeyed her orders and did not kill anyone indiscriminately. He also planned to take advantage of the high morale to attack the city of Dulun in the north. , after defeating Dulun, we will arrive at the center of Mengnu - the King's City of Mengnu. Once we reach the King's City, victory is not far away!

In the following part, the man confided to her in detail the pain of lovesickness, and shamelessly told some of the beautiful dreams he had at night about the relationship between them. Caiwei's words made Caiwei blush and her heart beat, and she was very shy. She scolded him in her heart for being dishonest. This guy was too bold. He dared to write such bastard words in a letter. If this letter accidentally fell into the hands of the enemy and was exposed to the world, she would really have no shame. Meet someone!

Luoxue and Nangong Yu arrived at the barracks of Dajin's wounded soldiers near noon. After more than a month of trekking, they finally found Nangong Yi's camp. Both of them felt like they were surviving a disaster and cried with joy.

It seems that all the gloom of the past has disappeared, and a bright tomorrow is right in front of us!

However, as soon as he entered the camp, he was stopped by the soldiers guarding the camp.

"Stop, who dares to break into Da Jin's barracks and risk his life?"

Nangong Yu frowned and was about to scold the soldier guarding the camp, but was stopped by Luoxue.

Luoxue took a small ingot of silver, stuffed it into the soldier's hand, and said warmly: "Brother, we are from the capital. We want to see His Highness King Qin. Please help me to inform him that Yu'er is here. King Qin Your Highness will meet us!"

The soldiers guarding the camp saw that Luoxue and Nangong Yu were wearing ordinary clothes and were dusty with work. There were no maids or women around to serve them. In addition, they were both young and beautiful, so they mistook them for women who came to crawl on the bed. , so he sneered, threw the silver back into Luoxue's arms unceremoniously, and said sarcastically: "You two should go back. If you want to be like a dragon or a phoenix, you should take a mirror to look at your own appearance. Our Princess of Qin is like a fish or a wild goose, and she can conquer the country and the city." , I don’t know how many times you have been thrown out, but now you are in the camp, how can King Qin treat you?"

Princess Qin?

Luoxue and Nangong Yu were stunned. They knew that they had been misunderstood by the soldiers guarding the camp as a bed crawler, but when they heard the words "Princess Qin", they were shocked and dumbfounded. They forgot to question the soldier and just kept asking.

"What Princess Qin? Where did Princess Qin come from? She must be a fake, tell her to come out and see me!"

The guard guard said impatiently: "She is the Princess of Qin who was acknowledged by the King of Qin himself. How can she be fake? I think you can't eat the grapes, just say the grapes are sour. If you don't give up on this, get out of here. Get out of here." If you continue to be verbose, I will arrest you as slaves and you will suffer the consequences!"

When Nangong Yu heard this, he was so angry that blood rushed to his head. He pointed at the soldier guarding the camp and said angrily: "Bold slave, you dare to insult and humiliate me. When I see my brother again, he will definitely kill you." !"

The soldier guarding the door was scolded by her, and he became angry immediately. He picked up the spear in his hand and hit Nangong Yu, cursing while beating him.

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