Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 826 Abolition of daughter ceremony (1)

The bright moon is in the sky

On the grassland thirty miles outside the city of Dulun, the endless Dajin military camps are immersed in silence. The soldiers are sleeping deeply. Tomorrow they will attack Dulun. Everyone must be energetic so that they will be full of energy tomorrow. Go to the battlefield and make achievements.

In the camp, there were only a few night patrol soldiers holding torches and patrolling around the camp.

In the commander's tent in the military camp, Nangong Yi was lying on his side on the couch, breathing lightly. The horn lamp on the table gave off a soft and faint halo, and the shadow shone brightly on his handsome face. Those long eyelashes, healthy complexion, and well-proportioned and perfect facial features make the man as beautiful as an immortal who has fallen from the mortal world, so beautiful that he cannot burn the world.

The woman slipped into the man's tent. As soon as she entered, she saw the picture of a beautiful man on the couch, and her heartbeat suddenly became a little erratic.

The man on the bed was so handsome that she, an old woman who had always been stoic, even felt her heart flutter. No wonder Princess Helana and Li Ruizhu knew that his future was worrying, but they still wanted to marry him. This man was indeed attractive. Women's capital!

"How long do you plan to keep peeking?"

With a lazy smile, the man opened his charming eyes, with a bit of teasing teasing in his eyes, and smiled at Caiwei who looked obsessed.

"Uh...well, you wake up!"

Caiwei was embarrassed, feeling embarrassed that she had been caught as a thief.

Nangong Yi smiled lightly, stood up, and walked towards her on the carpet under his feet. He was wearing a large golden yellow underwear and underwear of the same color. The underwear was not tied, and was unscrupulously open, revealing A lot of strong chest and abdominal muscles.

"My wife came here at night, but you want to be your husband?"

Caiwei's face turned red, she turned away her eyes and snorted, "Zi Zi, I have something serious to do with you!"

While he was talking, Nangong Yi had already walked up to her, stretched out his hands to hold her in his arms, gently rubbed his chin on the top of her head, and asked in a hoarse voice: "What serious matter can be compared to a husband's marriage?" Is the pain of lovesickness important?"

As he spoke, he leaned over, picked her up, and walked towards the couch.

Caiwei struggled twice, but to no avail, so she gritted her teeth and beat his chest, shouting angrily in a low voice: "Nangong Yi, stop making trouble, I have something to tell you, something very important!"

Nangong Yi ignored her protest, carried her steadily to the couch, placed her on the couch, and carefully helped her take off her shoes.

Caiwei thought he was about to show off his bestiality, so she hurriedly covered her chest and said, "Nangong Yi, listen to me first, this is very important. When I finish speaking, you will be here, you will be..."

At this point, she realized her faux pas, and her face suddenly felt as if it was bleeding from embarrassment. She closed her mouth and lowered her eyes, unable to speak any more.

"At what?"

Nangong Yi raised his eyebrows and a smile appeared on his lips, as if he didn't intend to let her go. The look of her blushing, troubled and embarrassed little daughter was so beautiful that he couldn't help but want to tease her a little longer.

Caiwei couldn't stand being stared at by him. She blushed, pinched the soft flesh around his waist, twisted it hard, and gritted her teeth and said, "Go get me another glass of water, I'm thirsty!"

Nangong Yi hissed when she pinched him, and then said in a longer tone: "Really?"

"Of course it's true, otherwise what else could it be?"

Caiwei's tone was very bad, her face was still red, and she felt embarrassed that she had been caught doing bad things. However, she would never admit it, so she used violence to suppress the man.

"Why don't you go pour the water!"

"Yes, madam!"

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