Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 828 Abolition of daughter ceremony (3)

Nangong Yi smiled and said, "Oh? I would like to hear what good things are you going to do to benefit the people?"

Caiwei stretched out a slender white finger in front of Nangong Yi and said with a serious look: "When discussing the terms of surrender with Meng Nu, the first one is that Meng Nu's 'daughter ceremony' must be abolished. From now on, all Anyone who performs the 'daughter gift' to a girl will be charged with serious injury!"

"Weier, as far as I know, the daughter ceremony is a long-standing custom of the Mengnu. This ceremony has been around since the existence of this nation. The Mengnu people have accepted it, so why do you have to worry about it?"

Nangong Yi was a little worried. The Mengnu people were already resistant to surrendering to a foreign country. If they were allowed to abolish the rules of their ancestors, it would definitely cause confusion among the people. If that were the case, I was afraid that even if they reluctantly surrendered now, it would happen again in the future. Emotional rebound.

Caiwei disagreed. As a woman, she believed that Mengnu women, whether they were circumcised or not, would hate that inhumane ceremony. For thousands of years, how many girls have suffered because of this ignorance. Barbaric ritual deaths, and how many women are suffering from the painful consequences of daughter rituals. As a woman of the new era, she cannot tolerate such things happening under her eyes.

"Nangong Yi, I believe that the women of Mengnu will be grateful to our country of Jin for this. Once the glass factory opens, the men will not object too much to this matter. The reason why Mengnu has spread such a consciousness is Because the ancestors of the Monnu people were nomadic people, they were worried that their wives would be unfaithful when they went out to herd, so they came up with such cruel methods to keep women's virginity. However, when my glass factory starts working, The nomadic state of the Mengnu people will change. Most of the Mengnu men will stay at home and work. Therefore, they will not worry about their wives having sex with other men, and there is no need to do this for women. Such cruel torture!

Nangong Yi saw that she was serious and showed no sign of compromise, so he smiled helplessly and said, "Okay, it's up to you. If the Mengnu people really don't agree, the worst they can do is beat them for their husbands and force them to agree!"

Caiwei smiled, sat up and said, "Then what are you waiting for? Why don't you get up and draw up the conditions for surrender? Oh, by the way, from now on, Mengnu will be a tributary of our Jin Kingdom and will pay tribute to Jin every year." It's a thousand pieces of glass."

Nangong Yi smiled and said: "The tribute paid by a subject country for the whole year is only a thousand pieces of glass. Isn't it a bit shabby?"

Caiwei said: "Glass has not yet been put on the market and is a priceless thing. Who can say that a thousand pieces of glass is less? I thought it was too much!"

The man knocked her little head and said with a smile: "It seems that in the future, there will be a black-hearted glass merchant in Dajin, who will make a fortune by making huge profits from glass!"

After hearing this, Caiwei narrowed her eyes proudly, like a little fox, shaking her head and saying: "It's certain to make a fortune, but I can't bear the word "black heart", and they didn't buy or sell by force. Buying and selling based on volition is called willing to fight and willing to endure!"

That's right, Caiwei plans to make a fortune from glass. She invented glass, and I don't know how many people have benefited from it. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with her charging more money!

Nangong Yi couldn't help but feel itchy when he saw her squinting her eyes, looking like a little fox, so she also squinted her eyes, like a big bad wolf kidnapping Little Red Riding Hood, and said with a serious smile: "Let's get down to business. It’s over, I remember what I just said, when she finishes talking about the business, I’ll be there...that!"

Caiwei Guangguang was thinking about how to run the glass factory in the future and how to market glass. She still remembered the promise she just made. Seeing his sudden change of expression, she suddenly remembered what she had said in person at that time, and she suddenly stammered. : "What did I promise you? I just...well..."

With her mouth gagged, Nangong Yi could not allow her to resist. He clamped her petite body tightly and fell into a state of forgetfulness...

Early the next morning, Nangong Yi got up refreshed. Through last night's experiment, he had a better understanding of a woman's body. He even knew where she was sensitive and where touching her would make her happy. Of course, happiness and pain always coexist. He found out the secret of her body, but it made his own body even more uncomfortable. It almost made him want to explode. Fortunately, his little girl is not the kind of person who sticks to details. The woman used her slender hands to relieve him. To this day, the feeling of being so happy still makes him have endless aftertaste!

He made up his mind to settle the matter in Lingbei as soon as possible and take her back to the capital. When he returned to the capital, after telling his father, the emperor and his mother, he would marry her. After marrying her, he could live happily ever after. Now you can enjoy the joy of sweating freely!

After breakfast, Nangong Yi, protected by thousands of subordinates, went to Mengnu's royal city in person to discuss the surrender with Tuoba Kui. Caiwei was afraid that Tuoba Kui was cheating, so she disguised herself as a man and infiltrated Nangong. Among Yi's bodyguards, he planned to secretly protect his safety.

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