Transmigration: From Farmer To Empress

Chapter 835 Eating hot pot (2)

When Nangong Yi heard that Caiwei had prepared a meal and waited for him to come back to eat, his mood suddenly became brighter. Because he was in a good mood, his originally gloomy face smiled a little, and he answered her questions by the way.

"The princess is naturally my king's daughter-in-law. You have seen her in the palace, Mu's Caiwei!"

As he said this, he walked out of the shed and left Helanna there without telling anyone how to place her!

Hearing Nangong Yi unscrupulously calling Mu Caiwei his daughter-in-law and princess, He Lanna's heart suddenly felt like being pricked by a needle. The pain made her face turn pale. She covered her chest and stared blankly at Nangong Yi's gradual progress. The retreating back figure, in an instant, tears fell like rain...

The two guards behind her stood there quietly. Experience told them that they could not talk too much or move at this moment, lest they get angry and become cannon fodder for her to vent her anger!

However, just because they didn't move didn't mean that others didn't move. When the several Mengnu men in the shed saw He Lanna's expression of pity for the pear blossoms, they suddenly felt itchy as if they had been scratched by a cat. I couldn't hold it any longer.

The women in Mengnu are tall and strong, ugly in appearance, vulgar in manners, and all of them have been cut. Every time they do that in the tent, the pain makes them grin and cry for father and mother. Their already ugly faces She still has a ghost-like expression, which is not comparable to the water-like temperament and flower-like appearance of the Dajin women. According to those Mengnu people who visited the Dajin kilns, the Dajin women were soft and sweet when they woke up in bed. , extremely pleasant to the ear, not at all like the howling of Mengnu women, and the part of the Dajin woman is also very beautiful, like a pink flower, and feels wet, greasy, slippery, like silk, Much better than the scar on the Menu woman!

Therefore, seeing this beautiful lady with pear blossoms and rainy eyes, these men have grown uncontrollably!

Helana was crying sadly when she suddenly saw a few big men coming over from the shed. They, they were actually walking the bird in broad daylight, and the bird held its head high, looking majestic, high-spirited, and eager to try, which scared her to the point of screaming. He screamed, not even caring about his sadness, and ran out crawling...

Several big men burst out laughing. Although they were lustful towards this girl, they did not dare to do anything to her. After all, she was familiar with King Qin. Even if she was not favored by King Qin, seeing her The way she dressed showed that she was not an ordinary person, so they just teased her a little bit and were satisfied when they saw her discolored and panicked look!

When Nangong Yi returned to the tent, he saw his woman sitting at the table, mixing a bowl of sauce with chopsticks. On the table, there was a strange-looking pot. The pot was made of brass and had a tall, thick bottom. , there are red charcoal burning at the bottom, and the pot is boiling with hot soup. In the middle of the soup, there is a thick tube about one foot high. The tube becomes thinner as you go up. There is a thin lid on the top of the tube. What is it used for?

In addition to this strange pot, there were several plates on the table, containing vegetables, fungus, seafood, potato slices and meat slices thinner than paper, but these were all raw.

"You're back. Your Highness, King Qin, has worked hard. Go wash your hands and eat!"

Caiwei smiled mischievously, placed the bowl of sauce she had picked on his place, and began to mix her own bowl.

Nangong Yi went to wash his hands. After washing, he returned to the table and said with a smile, "What are you doing, madam? What is this?"

I saw Caiwei pour a plate of meat into the pot, and put two big crabs and two big shrimps in, "This is a hot pot, used to reward His Highness King Qin for working hard for me!"

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